The Kingdom of Aremar is a prosperous land, but also a cruel and oppressive one. With an overwhelming focus on militarism; strength is everything in this realm. Aremar lives and dies by the sword, and this mindset has caused a cruel hierarchy of power where only those with strength are respected – or even allowed to live. Aremar's culture is one of constant violence and brutality. The Royal Family of Aremar is an autocratic and despotic regime, one that is more than willing to exploit its people and send thousands to their deaths in order to maintain its hold on power. The Royal Family is also responsible for the oppression of the people of Aremar, who are regularly subjected to extreme taxes and harsh treatment. The fate of individuals who oppose the Royal Family is often grim, as they can be sentenced to death or forced into labor camps. The Royal Family uses its power to manipulate and exploit the people of Aremar to its own benefit, and has no regard for human life. They are incredibly corrupt and willing to do anything to maintain their grip on power. They have no respect for human life and will not hesitate to use any means necessary to stay in power, including violence and intimidation. The people of Aremar are trapped in a cycle of exploitation and oppression, and the nobility enjoy living in luxury while their people suffer. The Royal Family is incredibly wealthy and has vast resources at their disposal, and they wield their power over the people of Aremar in order to maintain their position at the top of the social hierarchy.
The prince of Aremar is the oldest son of the royal family, and first in line for the throne. He is a powerful, and ruthless warrior, who has been raised since birth to adhere to tradition and the customs of Aremar. He can be cruel, and brutal, and tends to see people as only a means to an end, rather than as fellow living, breathing humans. He is known as one of the best fighters in the kingdom, a master strategist, and a cunning leader…and as one of the coldest, cruelest men in the kingdom.
That man is not the man that (Name) knew. He, as a child, had been friends with the prince. And the young boy he had known is not the man that the kingdom now knows. When (Name) and the prince were young, they were friends. Then (Name)'s family moved away, and now they've moved back, and he is determined to bring back the boy he once knew. He knows that that boy is somewhere in there, that this cruel, angry man cannot be all there is to the prince.
But Aremar is not a kind kingdom; Aremar is a kingdom that believes that might makes right, and that those with power can and should crush those without it. For a boy raised in a family like that, how can the prince have become anything but another powerhungry tyrant? Another cruel, violent man, who had all kindness beaten out of him?
Rebellion is brewing, and (Name) is part of it. He doesn't believe that the way Aremar has been run for generations is right, nor does he believe that it should last. But, living in the palace and interacting with the prince, he feels caught. Stuck between his childhood best friend, who he still believes can be a good man, and a rebellion that will save the country from more pain.
Can he bring back the light in the prince, or will he be forced to watch as the prince either becomes another king like his father, or the rebellion kills him?
I will be the prince, you would be his childhood friend. Essentially, childhood-friends-to-strangers-to-enemies-to-lovers? kind of?? This is not the most detailed thing I've ever come up with but, uh, I figure we can worldbuild as we go. Your character is a nobleman, and was raised in the palace for a while, hence why he and the prince were friends as kids.
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
- No homophobia, transphobia, racism, or ableism ooc; some of it in RP may happen, but it is unacceptable out of character
- Any smutty scenes will either be taken to PMs or faded to black
- There will be swearing, violence, and some rather dark content will likely happen or be alluded to
- For that reason, 16+ only, as I would feel uncomfortable RPing with anyone younger than that
- I reserve the right to say no to a request to join
Temps will be posted when someone joins