forum I kidnapped a child to give to my son :D / Group rp w/ Iris Max & Swim
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"E.T., phone hooooome," Derlik slurred as he stepped out of the bar. He had a giggling fit at it, stumbling some in his heels. Still, just like Kye asked, he did warp them back to the forest. The god set Kye down, already moving to take his heels and jacket off.
"Mmm… letsh have a Hunt," Derlik mumbled, forgetting Kye had asked him to stop having them a good century ago. It'd always been hard to watch minor gods hunt down the gods being punished and the humans promised a better life if they lasted the twenty-four hours.

@Painted-Iris group

"Dad, no. You are not doing that. Go straight to bed or do something that won't hurt anyone for the love of the gods," he argued with an angry sigh. He turned to the forest, despite not seeing any of the minor gods coming closer just yet. "No, we are not doing hunts again, you hear?" he yelled towards the seemingly empty expanse of trees.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Okaaaay…" Derlik cooed, moving to lay down on his boulder. There were audible grumbles of disappointment from some of the older gods who used to take part in the hunts, the crowd that had silently formed dispersing. Derlik let his face fall on the rock beneath him, mumbling nonsense.
"First soul… Mhm… not favrit, that's sonnieeeeeeeee…"

@Painted-Iris group

Kye looked at Derlik in complete confusion before rolling his eyes. At least the god had said he was his favorite. He then looked down at the human in his pocket. "Well, we're back," he hummed, moving to go take a seat underneath one of the trees. "Sorry that the outing was kinda short. Dad… gets drunk very easily."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik stretched his arms out over his head, letting his hands hang off the boulder edge. He was still mumbling things, but he closed his eyes and seemed to be falling asleep. He sat up, then, looking over at Kye.
"I wanna fuck someone."

@Painted-Iris group

Kye was about to say something else to Blake, still keeping an eye on Derlik when he heard the exclamation. "Don't look at me then! Honestly you should stay there and get your rest rather than worry about… that," he said, knowing how to word things so Derlik couldn't find a loophole.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I woudn have to worry if you helped me find someoneeeeeeeeee…" Derlik pointed out, still looking at Kye as he laid himself back down on the boulder, his leg up.
"Common Kyeeeee, ma wing maaaaaaaaaaaan…"

@Painted-Iris group

"Oh really? Why don't you ask Astral then? He likes to fuck around and you guys are already close," Kye responded, his voice entirely sarcastic. He then let his expression turn into a devilish smirk. "Dad… I'm only twelve. I don't know these things you're talking about," he said cutely, pouting. He really knew how to act the part when he wanted to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Astrals a tooop though, and an ass…" Derlik giggled some, then tilted his head back and belted out in laughter. "Ass! Ass-tral!!" Derlik fell into his laughing fit, arms around his waist as he rolled some. He wiped at his eyes with his palms, looking up and frowning some.
"Nooo, you're oooold babieee… Super old babies boy."

@Painted-Iris group

Kye tilted his head, doing his best not to smirk at Derlik thinking he was the one to come up with the nickname. Oh, several Claimed already beat him to it. "Dad, I'm not that old. I don't understand what you're talking about," he continued.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Kyeeeeeeeeeeee," Derlik whined. "I wanna put my peepee in a pretty boieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." Derlik pouted some, folding his arms. "You know thaaaaaaaaaat… I showed you already, on the Huuuuuub." Derlik started to giggle again, humming the tune as he kept laughing. He found stretching his sounds out funny for some reason. It sounded weird in his ears.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye gave up the act, slumping against the tree. "No you don't dad. Stop acting like a horny motherfucker and pass out already," he called, still sounding quite irritated. "Reminder that you've told me several times over: I'm in charge of making sure you don't do anything stupid. This counts as 'anything stupid,'" he finished.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik grumbled some when he heard how irritated Kye was, moving to lay down.
"Mm… fineee…" He closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. Still, though, he was giggling some, not really doing a good job of passing out.
"Sexsnt stoopid…"

@Painted-Iris group

"It's stupid when you're drunk!" he argued back, narrowing his eyes at Derlik. "Get your rest and you can split some of Serna's cookies and brownies with me when you wake up," he added, knowing how hard those were to resist. For anyone really.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Cookiesss?" Derlik echoed. He nodded some, burying his face in his arms. It wasn't long at all until he'd passed out with the promise of Serna's cookies and brownies, forgetting he was the one who had them.

@Painted-Iris group

"No shit," he said breathlessly, before covering his mouth. "A-ah… sorry about the language. If I don't swear at him, he usually won't take me seriously," Kye admitted with a small sigh.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye rolled his eyes some. "Some people still don't like swears at fifty, I was trying to be polite," he replied, before realizing he was being a bit rude. "And… yeah. I look like this because I am 12. But after several life cycles," he explained, using a softer tone again.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye used a hand to push his hair out of his face again, sighing again. "So, I don't suppose you'd want out of my pocket, do you?" he asked, offering a hand either way. "It's fun every now and again, but not forever," he added with a light chuckle.