forum I kidnapped a child to give to my son :D / Group rp w/ Iris Max & Swim
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Painted-Iris group

Kye gave him time to get adjusted, giving the boy his thumb to hang onto if needed. "So. Tell me about yourself. If you're gonna be here awhile, might as well tell me about things you like at least," he said, looking to make easy conversation. He added the last bit on the case they didn't want to talk about their past. Which was reasonable.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye shrugged lightly. "Learning doesn't have to be boring," he said simply. He hummed a moment before adding something else. "I could actually tell you what it was like several hundred years ago…"

@Painted-Iris group

Kye took a breath before giving a small nod. "It wasn't all that interesting at some points, but yeah. Yeah, I could," he said, sounding a bit saddened. But he smiled anyways because he was the one that offered. He couldn't just say no to that look on their face.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye's face twisted in confusion. "I don't mind. I technically did tell you I would earlier. I just miss where I came from sometimes. But if you're interested in it, it couldn't hurt to talk about," he replied, trying not to make Blake feel guilty. He knew the signs of when someone was avoiding things to make him feel better. And he hated it. It meant it would get pushed off and forgotten or simply pushed to a very long backburner.

@Painted-Iris group

"Well, remember seeing the town we were nearby? Well, the lay out was similar, though the homes were smaller and made from simple brick with thatched roofs. The work was divided between everyone thirteen and older. Men often did things that were physical, working in the fields, gathering food, getting our wood ration, that sort of thing. Women did house work, errand running, and if needed they also did occasional field work. Kids often helped in whatever was needed if they were physically able," Kye started, listing the general things to begin with. "But everyone knew of the gods back then. The only Pantheon that existed. Our village specifically worshipped dad the most actually. Because… we built right on the edge of the woods and it angered him that we took the trees for wood and messed with his territory. And if we didn't… well, let's say he was very different than he is now," Kye finished, not wanting to discuss sacrifices made. And how he was one of them under technicality.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye decided to look at things positively. It was quite ironic that he looked the same as he did back then. But, well, in better condition. "No, it's fine. I was twelve. Same as I am now," he answered, laughing a bit.

@Painted-Iris group

(eeee i wrote thatched roofing because I figured Derlik would be stingy with the wood though-)
(But the fact that he's letting them keep some wood to make things and for fire, he could consider it a loan they have to pay with their lives?)


Kye decided to look at things positively. It was quite ironic that he looked the same as he did back then. But, well, in better condition. "No, it's fine. I was twelve. Same as I am now," he answered, laughing a bit.

“I see.” Blake didn’t ask what had happened for Derlik to take Kye, figuring it was a touchy subject. “Isn’t it weird? Going through childhood multiple times?” He asked.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye shrugged. "It stops feeling weird after… maybe your fifth time," he replied, not really remembering an exact number anymore. He was thankful Blake hadn't asked for other specifics about his life. He'd talk about it eventually.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye shrugged again. "Think of it like now, trying to remember when you were three. It's there in your memories, you know some of the things that happened, but you slowly forget as you make room for new memories," he started to explain. He then turned his opposite arm, showing Blake his wrist. "It's slower since I'm Claimed, but it still happens."