forum I kidnapped a child to give to my son :D / Group rp w/ Iris Max & Swim
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral would be the one to let a small group of pilgrims 'tour' the palace, and he shows off all the tiny humans he has doing various things for his entertainment and they're terrified, but he keeps telling them not to worry, but when they get to the end of the 'tour' and he asks for all of their names they realize they're fucked)

@Painted-Iris group

(hfrn swim i almost typed fricking "Gabe" instead of Kye jnwjrnfj)

Kye nodded. "We'll get to go see her a lot. Sometimes Dad's job as a god is too dangerous for me to come along so I stay with one of the others. When we go back, you can tell her yourself," he said, grinning again. He already knew Serna was fond of Blake in the same way she was fond of him. Then again, she liked just about everyone.


“Well that’ll be fun.” They said, smiling widely. He didn’t question about Derlik’s work, figuring he most likely wouldn’t want to know. As long as the god treated the two of them well, that’s what mattered to Blake.

@Painted-Iris group

(omg ahaha I can see that too. He just freezes people as they are, sorting them, letting them move again just to watch them scream. Then he goes to the object bin, watching their bodies contort into whatever he wants most at the moment.)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, standing over the Object bin: Hmm… I need new robes.)
(Everyone in the bin: terrified screams and trying to hide)
(Everyone loves Kye. It's just facts. His biggest point of trauma at the moment is thinking he has to choose between his birth parents and his God parents :/)
(Astral, looking in the scorpion pit: Damn this name is really coming back, I need to start turning them into different things)
(Astral: …)
(Astral: A BELT)

@Painted-Iris group

“Well that’ll be fun.” They said, smiling widely. He didn’t question about Derlik’s work, figuring he most likely wouldn’t want to know. As long as the god treated the two of them well, that’s what mattered to Blake.

Derlik certainly would. He honestly probably would have liked to mess with Blake some if Kye hadn't been there to get attached. He was kinder, yes, but easily tempted…? Oh, double yes. He would rather Kye be responsible for Blake for now. It made his son happy, how could he say no? "It will! We'll do all sorts of fun things together."

@Painted-Iris group

(Yess, he very much is now. He loves his pit and his Orions. In a horrible, twisted way)

(he totally has name origins memorized just to associate with torture)

@Painted-Iris group

(Astral totally has a spike pit but all the spikes are individual souls with a fear of blood and so he pushes bodies in there to be impaled to death and the souls have to watch so many deaths and feel blood all over them)

@Painted-Iris group

Kye hummed, thinking about it. "If you mean where I'm not taken along with dad, it's a fifty fifty. As for going to Serna's specifically… it all depends on what the gods are able to fit into their day. Most of the time it's between Mother, Serna, or Marcos to see my friend Wren," he replied finally.

@Painted-Iris group

“Okay that makes sense I suppose.” They replied, smiling softly. Blake fell silent, just sort of thinking stuff over.

"If we go over and you'd like to meet him, then I'll have to ask Marcos to grow you, otherwise he'll lose it. He doesn't have good memories of being small and might jump to conclusions," Kye hummed. He left out the part that the other would probably see things close to what they were. That Blake looked like a pet. Kye didn't see him as such, but who casually brought their friends around in their pockets just because?