forum I kidnapped a child to give to my son :D / Group rp w/ Iris Max & Swim
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“So let’s start with an easy one. See that line of three stars?” They pointed at a spot in the sky. “That one’s Orion’s Belt. It connects to the rest of him too obviously, the rest of him is just a little harder to find.” Blake explained.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye nodded, just barely able to tell where Blake was pointing. Based on the color of the “star,” one would be able to tell where the soul would go.
(Swim, I’ll let you pick what everything is for that even if it’s canon or not ehehe)

@Painted-Iris group

Kye listened, not really sure of the significance to the names. He really liked seeing Blake so enthusiastic over something though, so he decided it didn’t matter if he understood or not.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye had a feeling they were probably made up if they weren’t about the Pantheon. Considering that it wasn’t common knowledge that the stars were souls, it was likely the stories were for fun. “Sounds neat,” he said, still a bit curious about what the stories entailed.

@Painted-Iris group


“If you’d be willing to,” Kye started, seeming to get comfortable without jostling Blake too much in his hands.



“Well Orion’s story has a bunch of different versions. But basically he was this hunter blessed by the gods…Greek gods by the way. And the stories of how he died vary but one of them says he was killed by a giant scorpion. And his constellation is chased by the constellation of that scorpion to this very day.” Blake explained.

@Painted-Iris group


"That's kind of sad. That he has to get chased by the thing that killed him for all eternity," Kye said with a light frown. He was happy that type of story wasn't true. Or maybe it was, and the Greek gods were based off of the actual ones. It didn't really matter though.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oh boy, did Derlik have a story about giant scorpions. Orion wasn't real, though, unless you counted the dude Astral had claimed a while back. Though, who knows, Derlik knowing Astral Orion probably got turned into a scorpion for shits and giggles.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, pointing to a tank of scorpions: These are all my Orions)
(Astral: Because fuck the Greek gods)
(Lmao yeah, I could see that too so I don't have to come up with so, so many names)
(He just sorts them by name, almost like a card game lol)
(Astral: This is the Jasper section, I've got ten :D)



"That's kind of sad. That he has to get chased by the thing that killed him for all eternity," Kye said with a light frown. He was happy that type of story wasn't true. Or maybe it was, and the Greek gods were based off of the actual ones. It didn't really matter though.

“Yeah it kind of is…..Orion was a bit of a jerk though so it’s okay. Most people were jerks in Greek mythology, especially the gods honestly.” Blake explained. “Some of them were actually decent though.”

@Painted-Iris group

(He's like: You get a gold star since you give the loudest screams and can bleed the longest without passing out. Alright, now I just have to kill the rest of your friends since they aren't good enough anymore. :D)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, pointing to walls of 'dolls:' My human collection, I like to dress them up)
(Astral: And this is Simon. He is the only one. He is going to remain the only one. What is your name, by the way? : ) )

@Painted-Iris group


"That's kind of sad. That he has to get chased by the thing that killed him for all eternity," Kye said with a light frown. He was happy that type of story wasn't true. Or maybe it was, and the Greek gods were based off of the actual ones. It didn't really matter though.

“Yeah it kind of is…..Orion was a bit of a jerk though so it’s okay. Most people were jerks in Greek mythology, especially the gods honestly.” Blake explained. “Some of them were actually decent though.”

Kye cracked a small smile at the fact. "That reminds me of Astral, honestly. He's… not the nicest. As in worse than Dad used to be," he commented casually. "And then there's Miss Serna, who's probably the nicest god out there," the boy added, completely happy now that he was thinking about the kind goddess.

@Painted-Iris group

(Astral, pointing to walls of 'dolls:' My human collection, I like to dress them up)
(Astral: And this is Simon. He is the only one. He is going to remain the only one. What is your name, by the way? : ) )

(Astral out here only asking because if your name is Simon you instantly die, or if it's anything else, that's your place in the collection with all the others.)