forum I kidnapped a child to give to my son :D / Group rp w/ Iris Max & Swim
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Painted-Iris group

Kye shook his head. “They’ll be safe. I promise,” he assured the goddess. He always liked that Serna was very open to the idea of calling Derlik his father. That was probably another reason Kye liked her so much. That and all the sugar he was allowed to have.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Thank you, deary," Serna said, reaching over to lightly pat Kye's arm.
"I'm not going to do anything to them!" Derlik said in defense of himself. "Kye's in charge of watching over them, I trust his judgement for the most part. It's why I let him get Blake the body in the first place."

@Painted-Iris group

Kye narrowed his eyes at Derlik a moment before taking another sip of his tea. He’d be nice this time and not include the fact that the god had been against getting Blake a body at first.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna narrowed her eyes at Derlik was well, but shrugged it off with as smile as she took another sip of her drink.
"Well, then, I'm glad we can agree of that. Kye has grown into a good, responsible man over his life times, even with you doing everything to make sure he ended up like you, Derlik." Serna chuckled some, gently teasing the other god as she winked at Kye.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye seemed to welcome every single compliment. He especially felt proud over the fact he had been called a man despite the fact his body appeared close to his original age when he was first claimed. The boy moved to look back at Derlik, giving his free hand a squeeze.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik chuckled in turn, nodding.
"You're right, ma'am, he has. And I'm still proud of him, even if he is the one to be keeping me in line more than I with he." The god squeezed back lightly, pulling Kye into another hug.
"He really has grown into a good man."

@Painted-Iris group

This time, Kye had to genuinely struggle a bit, as Blake was still in his pocket. He also had to try not to move around too much to not jostle the human around. "Dad, Blake's still here," he said quickly, not wanting them to be squished. That, even on accident, wasn't fun.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

No, being crushed to death by a god was not a fun thing, as Kye would be able to attest to.
"Oh, sorry," Derlik said, pulling away some and looking down at the human in Kye's pocket to make sure they were okay.
Serna still couldn't believe Kye had managed to wear Derlik down enough to where he was willing to apologize so easily. It was incredible to her.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye gently took them out of his pocket, staring at Blake with concern. After glancing over them, nothing seemed to be out of order. "Are you okay?" he asked gently.
It really was a phenomenon as to the change in Derlik. Even Kye had no idea as to how it happened. He had been Claimed for a few life cycles, and hadn't been doing well emotionally. Oddly enough, Derlik seemed to feel bad, and then he practically told him he was adopted from that point on.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye gave a soft glare to Derlik (again) before smiling in relief. "That's good," he hummed, moving to hold them close again. He didn't want to put him in his pocket again just yet in the case that Derlik would try hugging him again. And that wasn't his fault. The god was just more affectionate now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I am sorry," Derlik said again. Kye had… it hadn't been good, when Derlik finally changed. He himself wasn't sure what had made him want to care, actually care, for Kye, but here they were. No more fake affection, no more hurting. Derlik was doing his best, really.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye leaned his head back again to look Derlik in the eyes. He smiled once again. "It's okay. I just wanna be careful of Blake…" he said, still keeping the tiny human close. "Dad, I'm not mad at you," he added for good measure. Sometimes that helped as Derlik remind himself that he was doing better than he once was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik nodded, wrapping his arms loosely around Kye's waist. It really did help, knowing Kye wasn't mad.
"I'll have to keep in mind you're going to have someone in your pocket from now on," Derlik said, chuckling softly.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye decided to give Derlik the benefit of the doubt that he would remember, putting Blake back in his pocket. He mostly wanted his hands free to place over Derlik's larger ones. "I love you," he said softly, snuggling into the embrace.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I love you too." Derlik turned his hands up to take Kye's in them, kissing his head. He was much more conscious of Blake now, keeping careful.
Serna smiled softly as she watched the interaction between the two, hands folded in her lap. They were both so precious…

@Painted-Iris group

The boy let out a discontented grumble at the light kiss to his head, still putting on a show that he was too mature for gross kisses anymore. He did, however, intertwine his fingers with Derlik's, happy to hold hands. If you were around Kye for even just a day, you knew what to look for to realize how he was feeling. He was quite open about most things.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Even Serna was surprised by how well Blake was adjusting to all of this. She was glad, though, because it meant Derlik wouldn't want to do much to the boy behind Kye's back.

Derlik chuckled some when Kye tried to pretend he didn't like the kiss, pressing another one to his head with a soft smile. He was glad Kye was open about his emotions. It helped the god to know he was doing good.

@Painted-Iris group

"Daaaaaaad," he whined softly. He didn't like looking like he was being babied in front of others. He was though, because he acted like a young child. It was hard for him to help because he loved being cared about. Kye felt important. It was like a fairy tale to him. He was poor only to be taken in and given everything he ever wanted.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik chuckled some, kissing Kye's head one more time.
"Why, whatever is wrong my dear son?" While Kye didn't really like to look babied, Derlik couldn't help but want to pamper Kye when around others. He wanted everyone to know this was his son, and he would never let anyone hurt him. Not ever again.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye turned his head away, smiling again. He always liked the way Derlik laughed. Well, when it wasn't directed at someone suffering. It meant he was happy. And that's what he was here for. To make him happy. "What's wrong is that you keep kissing me," he replied, moving his arms up to push his dad away.