forum I kidnapped a child to give to my son :D / Group rp w/ Iris Max & Swim
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Painted-Iris group

Kye bounced on his toes, already running inside to embrace the goddess. He made sure to hold Blake to the side so he wasn't squished in the hug.
"I'd love to," he replied, voice slightly muffled as he wasn't even half her height. He released Serna quickly, already moving to sit down. "We came here to ask you for a body for my friend," he explained happily. He excluded the part about how the soul had been kidnapped.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Serna is low key the best god of them all 100% mom)

Serna laughed softly as Kye hugged her, happily returning it.
"Perfect, sweetie! I'll put some tea on soon, then." The goddess knew when Kye wanted to stay, Derlik wouldn't try and stop it.
"Oh, well hello darling," Serna said when her attention was drawn to the soul Kye was holding. "My name's Serna, it's very nice to meet you." The goddess offered her finger for a handshake, still offering a warm smile.

Derlik chuckled some when Kye rushed to embrace Serna, moving to take a sweet on the couch. He popped one of the hard candies on the table into his mouth behind the goddess's back, holding back a smirk as he did.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(hey he gotten mess with Blake somehow why not the fear and terror of the threat of being eaten?)(I actually hadn't thought of it until Iris brought it up, thank you!)

Serna smiled gently, pulling her finger away after they shook hands.
"So, why don't we get to work on your body, darling? I'm sure we'll be done soon, and then you can have a nice warm brownie straight outta the oven." Serna held her hands out to take Blake from Kye, a sweet expression still on her face.

@Painted-Iris group


Were it anyone else, Kye might have been apprehensive. He probably would have asked Blake what he would want. Seeing as it was Serna, he handed the soul to her without hesitation. Now that he had his hands free, he stood up, just to climb into Derlik's lap. He grinned at him mischievously as he made himself comfortable.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna held Blake in her hands, the small soul looking even smaller compared to the hands of an eight-foot flaming horned goddess.
"We'll be back soon dearies!" she said to Derlik and Kye, turning.
She carried Blake into her laboratory, bringing them to what looked like a scanner first.
"Now, let's get a good idea of what your body should look like, darling."

Derlik laughed when Kye climbed into his lap.
"Comfortable?" He asked, ruffling his son's hair with a smile. With Serna out of the room, he reached back to the table, offering Kye one of the hard candies. Serna would have a heart attack if she knew anyone was eating those, and she'd probably make too many baked goods to make up for it.
That just meant she gave the extras away, of course, and Derlik knew it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, I'm to assume a human body," Serna said, chuckling softly. "Or did you have something else in mind, darling?" Serna set Blake inside the machine she had walked to, turning to the operation board on the side.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna held back a chuckle.
"The only one who has to call me ma'am is Derlik, darling," the goddess assured. "And that's because he can never seem to behave himself…" Shaking her head, Serna turned back to the controls.
"Now, I need you to hold nice and still for me, alright darling?"

@Painted-Iris group

Kye nodded, taking up more space than he technically needed. He hummed, content that things were going well, only to try and playfully push away Derlik's hand. He took the small piece of candy that was just within reach, popping it into his mouth. What was this one exactly? Butterscotch. That's what it was called. With all the sugar he'd had over the years, he still couldn't pick a favorite.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik chuckled when Kye pushed his hand away wrapping his arms around the human's waist and pulling him into a hug.
"Big ol' butthead," he said, laughing some as he teased. He laughed some, setting his head on Kye's and trapping him in the cuddles.

@Painted-Iris group

"You're the one who's big," Kye joked back, referring to his height. He would always be smaller than Derlik and the other gods. He was used to it, really, but that didn't stop the height jokes from happening. He weakly attempted to wiggle free, laughing as well. The boy then paused a moment, thinking of Blake in the other room. "Dad…? What'll happen when he dies…?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna hummed a tune under her breath as the machine started up, the pieces turning around Blake as it started to scan them.
"Once we're done with this, which will take less than a minute, you can decide if there are any modifications you'd like to make darling."

Derlik fell quiet as Kye began to speak, tilting his head a bit as he thought.
"I'm not sure," the god admitted. "We could always just keep having him around, but I haven't Claimed him. I suppose we'll have to wait and see, then, when the time comes."


“Okay.” They said softly, feeling a spark of excitement at that. He didn’t want any major changes, he never had that type of desire, but there were some small things that he’d prefer to change. Things that likely no one noticed but them.

@Painted-Iris group

For some reason, Kye's soul felt uneasy at hearing that Derlik would consider Claiming him. He felt protective over Blake already. He wasn't supposed to have died and have been taken away, so it was only right Kye make up for it. He had been in the same boat once. Maybe that was why.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna went back to humming, smiling some as the scan of Blake appeared on the screen before her.
"Okay, all done! Now, what is it you might like changed, darling?" Serna reached over, gently picking the soul up so they could see the screen with the layout for their new body as well.

"You'll be the one with the final say in it, how's that?" Derlik held Kye close, looking down. Derlik didn't quite see it the same way- if someone died, even by his hand, their time had come to an end.
That, and he had collected hundreds of souls over the years for uses in various ways, including a couple of the gifts he had given Kye.
Shh, the boy still didn't know that and Derlik planned to keep it that way.


“Um not too much really.” He said quietly, thinking before beginning to point out a few minor things. But when combined together, they’d help Blake look more androgynous, and that after all, was his end goal wasn’t it?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna nodded as Blake began to point out things, consulting him as she made the altercations.
"I think you'll look quite fine once you're in your body, darling," Serna said, not using a more gendered term on purpose.