forum I kidnapped a child to give to my son :D / Group rp w/ Iris Max & Swim
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Painted-Iris group

Kye was positively ecstatic at the fact he could see his friend smile. He wasted no time, and pulled Blake to his chest in what was as close to a hug as possible. The boy had to control himself as to not accidentally push too hard. Blake was quite small after all.
When he pulled the smaller human away from him, he gasped. "You get to try Miss Serna's brownies now! Oh, you'll love them!"

@Painted-Iris group

(Blake: hm being held's not that bad)
(Kye: when you're not in trouble, yeah!)
(Blake: scuse me what-)
(Kye: ptsd flashbacks yeah dad grounds me to his pocket sometimes shrugs)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna chuckled as she watched the two, ruffling Blake's hair with one finger and patting Kye's head with the other. A ding could be heard from the kitchen, and Serna laughed.
"Speaking of which- the brownies are done, dearies!" Serna smiled, turning to take care of the baked goods and bring them out. Derlik hummed, looking down at Blake.
"You look good," he complimented, smiling himself.


Blake of course didn’t mind the hug either, grateful that Kye seemed to be paying attention to not squish him. He decided that, at least for the moment, he liked these people. They liked the attention too, something they weren’t used to. At realizing Derlik was talking to him, he quickly replied. “Thanks.”

@Painted-Iris group

Kye let out a small laugh at the gentle pats Serna gave him. He watched the goddess walk off, before refocusing on the boy in his palms. He seemed to not mind being called 'they,' so he figured that would probably be what he would use. He would ask more about it later to be sure. Hearing his dad comment on Blake's form, he looked up at Derlik. "Don't they?" he asked rhetorically.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You're welcome!" Derlik chuckled some, reaching down himself to lightly ruffle Blake's hair. "And they look simply adorable," the god said to Kye, chuckling softly.
"Now," Derlik said, turning to Blake once more, "We were talking about going out drinking after this- what do you say, would you like some booze?"
Serna was walking back into the room, a plate of brownies and tea in her hands.
"You will do no such thing!" She said, huffing some. "Both Kye and Blake's bodies are you, don't you dare go giving them any alcohol."

@Painted-Iris group

Kye nibbled at his lower lip a moment, deciding that now wasn't the time to tell Serna he's already had several different alcoholic drinks before now. He normally might have fiddled with his hands or shirt, but he was holding onto Blake.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I mean- XD)

"Yes, ma'am," Derlik said, giving Kye a quick look and smile before turning back. Serna raised a brow but didn't say a word, instead offering Kye his tea and brownie.
"Here, just how you like it deary," Serna said with a smile, moving to sit down herself.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye pretended to be confused before moving towards the fresh smelling baked good set before him. He thought about setting Blake down somewhere, but instead, decided on his pocket. It was his job to keep them close. He took the brownie into his hands, ripping a piece off first. He gave it to the tiny person in his care before finishing the rest of the baked good. He hummed in satisfaction before taking a sip of his tea as well. Semi-sweet in order to pair well with all the sugar in the brownie. "Thank you," he said after finishing his first few bites.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You're welcome, deary," Serna said, smiling. She always got the most enjoyment out of her baking when she saw how much others enjoyed it.
Derlik snagged a brownie for himself, smiling as he took a bite.
"Delicious as always~!" he complimented, a few crumbs falling down.

@Painted-Iris group

Kye cast a quick glance down to Blake, happy they were enjoying the brownie bite. He would probably prefer Serna's cooking over anyone else's (sorry Derlik). There was something that her pastries and such made you feel when you ate them. It was like eating a warm hug.

(oh since this is technically before the group chat, we need to have Kye break down at hearing his dad's all beaten up and that his only friend from his village might be destroyed for good-)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Which was a perfectly fine thing to think, seeing as Derlik's version of cooking dinner was going to McDonald's. Serna smiled softly as she watched the three, folding her hands in her lap as she ate.
"So, how did Blake come to be staying with you two?" She asked, taking a sip of her own tea.

(Oh no we do don't we :,( )

@Painted-Iris group

Kye froze. He didn't want to be the one to explain exactly what happened. And Derlik definitely shouldn't. He needed to come up with something. Anything. It had to sound less horrible than the reality was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Oh, that's simple," Derlik said. It seemed he didn't get the memo on him not having permission to tell Serna what happened.
"Oh?" Serna said, tilting her head. "Nothing is ever simple with you, Derlik darling."

@Painted-Iris group

Kye thought a moment, feeling a little bad for considering lying to Serna. Lying wasn't usually that hard, except when it came to her. She was always so sweet. So he decided to only give part of the story. "Dad almost blew up a McDonalds and Blake was working there…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Serna choked on her tea, coughing some.
"W-Well, then…" she shot a dirty look at Derlik, letting out a sigh before turning to Kye.
"You make sure to keep them safe, alright deary? Don't let your father pull any more of his stunts on the poor thing."