@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"When you're done there clean you're room it's filthy."
"When you're done there clean you're room it's filthy."
"Yeah, yeah, I got it." he replies, standing up and stretching.
"Hey you wanted it to be cleaning day, my room is actually clean all the time your's isn't, dear."
"I know, I know, which is why I'm not arguing!" he laughs.
"Good, because you shouldn't!"
"I won't!" he tosses back, trotting over to his room and starting to clean it.
Nikki chuckled and shook her head
He finishes in record time, everything perfectly clean, and steps out of his room, leaning against the wall to watch Nikki.
Nikki was working on the other side of the room now scrubbing the baseboard in the corner before stopping and turning her head "what?"
"Nothing. You just look pretty." he smiles.
"My hair is messy and I'm wearing one of your shirts which is swallowing me, and im cleaning dirt from your boots of the wall how is this cute?"
"One, that isn't dirt from my boots, and two, you're pretty because I say you're pretty." he replies.
"Yes it is i moved them from this spot and there's dirt here, and your word isn't law dear." She snaps back
"Oh hush." he snickers in reply to both things.
"Why not? Oh right. . . my word isn't law!" he laughs.
"It isn't!"
"Well shoot." he sighs mockingly.
Nikki rolled her eyes and went back to cleaning
Jo smiles and peels himself off the wall, trotting over into the living room and collapsing on the couch.
Nikki stood up and moved over to the other side of the door probably about 4 feet away from the couch and sat down so she could start cleaning again
Jo silently watches her as she cleans, watching as a few strands of hair fall into her face as she cleans the baseboards.
"Are you going to just sare at me or what?"
"I cleaned the kitchen and vacumed and cleaned the carpet, I'm entitled to stare at you while you clean." Jo chuckles.
"But your saring at me"
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