@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
Nikki dropped her head and sighed leaning her head against the wall "just gotta fuck everything up don't you Nikki?"
Nikki dropped her head and sighed leaning her head against the wall "just gotta fuck everything up don't you Nikki?"
A couple hours later, Jo steps out of his room quietly.
Nikki was in the kitchen now having already cleaned the rest of the house she was cooking dinner now it seemed to be some kind of soup she heard Jo come out of his room which caused her to freeze for a moment but she didn't say anything she just kept working she thought it was best to leave him be
He quietly pads into the kitchen, following his nose, watching Nikki for a moment before turning around.
"I have to go do something. I'll be back." he murmurs.
Nikki sighed and nodded "okay…just be careful, please."
Jo smiles softly.
"It isn't anything dangerous."
He steps outside the apartment and goes back down to where he'd been earlier.
Nikki nodded again and goes back to prepping her ingredients for the soup quietly and closed her eyes for a moment when she heard the door close "how bad did I fuck this up I don't even know what i did-"
Jo returns half an hour later with cat litter, cat food, cat toys, and the cat itself.
The cat - more like a kitten - can clearly be heard from the kitchen, even though the tiny thing was all the way at the door.
(Awe he got her a cat?! Side note she's scared of them because she's never seen them-)
Nikki stopped what she was doing and turned to look at the door confused "Joseph?"
(Oop lol, well yeah he got her a cat)
"Yes?" Jo replies, clearly suppressing a laugh, even though Nikki can't quite see him.
(How adorable 🥰)
"What the fuck was that?"
(Yea 😊)
"Come out here and see." he chuckles, letting the cat out of its carrier.
Nikki brushed off her hands and started to warm the pot of broth before walking over to the door and opening it her eyes landed on Jo and then on the cat and her eyes widened "what is that…"
"Its a cat!" Jo replies happily.
Her eyes moved between Jo and the kitten and she backed up a little "why is it here?"
"I adopted it earlier, but wanted to pick it up tomorrow." Jo explains.
She lets out a heavily Shakey breath not taking her eyes off of the little ball of fur
Jo looks up at Nikki and tilts his head.
"Did I do something wrong with this?"
"I don't like cats…. they scare me."
Jo lets out a surprised laugh.
"Wait really? You're scared of somethign as small as a kitten?"
Nikki huffed and looked at Jo again "yes!"
"But it's freaking adorable! How can you be scared of something as cute as this?" he asks, beweildered, picking up the kitten and showing it to Nikki.
"No its not they kill people! that what i heard all my life-" she nearly jumped out of her skin when he picked it up and backed away again
"This kills people? Babe, you're talking about big cats, like tigers and panthers and pumas. This black cottonball of elegance and grace is a house cat." he chuckles.
"No! When I was little there was a cage of cats just like that they said that if we acted up they'd feed us to them!"
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