@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
Nikki quickly shook her head quickly as he moved closer and she leaned her head on him she was trembling a bit but not exactly noticeable since her hand was holding her stomach "no"
Nikki quickly shook her head quickly as he moved closer and she leaned her head on him she was trembling a bit but not exactly noticeable since her hand was holding her stomach "no"
"You're upset about my mention of children, aren't you. . ." he asks.
She shook her head again but didn't say anything this time, praying he wouldn't get upset at himself and leave.
Jo gently presses a kiss to the top of Nikki's head.
"I'm sorry. I should've remembered. . ."
Nikki shook her head once again "it's fine. . Im not mad."
"But I made you upset, and that's just as bad." he sighs softly.
"It's not your fault. " she said quietly as she moved the kitten back into her lap
"Kinda was. I should've been more considerate." he replies gently.
Nikki shakes her head before clinging to Jo "it's okay. . . We can't change what is done, I'm infertile that's not an issue."
"And even if you weren't. . . there's no way we could make a child, since I'm sterile." he murmurs.
She paused for a moment she knew he was she never forgot and her face went red for a split second "we. . . could always adopt..when we're ready of course." She sounded so optimistic yet let no excitement seep through her voice she wanted his opinion first
(Oh i have another idea for this that goes with our objective)
(Ooo tell me in PMs)
"We've adopted this little fella. I'm no sure I could deal with two things that cause extreme chaos at the same time." he chuckles. "But eventually, sure. I'll have to use a fake name and I.D., of course. . ."
"Well that could lead to issues because of our. . . 'home'
"True. I can get us a house with ease, then." he replies cherfully.
"But that's a lot of money-"
"And I have a lot of money." he shrugs.
"It'll be fine, dear, I promise."
(Im thinking time skip)
Jo smiles.
"Now, let's sleep. It's about that time anyways."
///Skipping forward a few months; Jo and Nikki have their fake I.D.s, the kitten has settled in well and Jo is now mostly domesticated///
"Nikki, time for dinner!" Jo calls out cheerfully, his bright pink flowery apron wrapped around his waist like it always is when he cooks.
Nikki smiled a little and made herself comfortable with jo and the cat as they all drifted off
// you forgot the houssssse//
Nikki ran downstairs the cat following after her as she giggled like a child "you know i would have helped you right?!"
///Fuck, you're right lol; they have the house too, it's a two story brick little deal///
(Btw what are we calling the cat?)
"Yeah, but I like making the food! ANd besides, you do the cleaning before I can get to it anyways, so it's the least I can do." Jo chuckles.
He'd made a creamy potato and ham soup, and was now dishing it out; there was even a tiny bowl for the kitten.
//idk how to do bold i forget but tyyyyyyy//
(October! ☺️)
She shook her head and smiled as she made her way into the kitchen walking up to Jo and wrapping her arms around him (which is funny because he's like a giant compared to her) "ooo it smells good! But please don't give a lot to the cat this time it upsets her stomach and i don't feel like cleaning up kitten vomit."
///. . . babe. I love you but jesus.///
(Omg yesssss)
Jo laughs slightly as Nikki hugs him from behind.
"I know it smells good, I've been in here making it. And I know, but she likes it so much and I can't say no to her adorable little screeches of anger." he laughs.
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