"Shotgun pellets are different they cause more damage in a larger area but they're small and easy to remove these…are different and difficult, im not going anywhere and your not picking me up unless you want to cause more damage."
Jo doesn't bother replying. He just slings Nikki over his shoulders and locks her out of the house.
20 minutes later, he lets her back in, his wounds neatly bandaged, the bullets out of him.
"Jo! What the hell put me down!" She screamed at him as her moved through the house now of course she didn't just give up and wait she rammed into the door a few times but to no avail and eventually sat down across the floor it was quite a sight a mid-height woman with no shoes and messy hair in a dress sitting on the floor visually angry but that somehow made her more attractive she looked up at him and scowled as he opened the door and looked away
"You gonna come back in, or are you just going to sit there looking cute and furious?" he asks.
She scoffed and stood up before walking inside doing so in almost a fluid motion "shut up im pissed."
"I can see that. And I can also see that you're cute." he replies, closing the door.
She muttered something in Korean before flopping back down on the couch and closing her eyes
"I heard that, and my mother has done most of those things." he snickers.
"You brought it up."
He strides into his room and flops down on the bed, starting to snore immediately.
Nikki rolled her eyes and groaned getting up and walking to her room and slamming the door shut "the one time I'm sober and actually want sex I get this!"
Jo, being asleep, doesn't answer.
He wakes up the next morning and thuds out of bed, landing flat on his back.
Nikki had grabbed her computer (because yes bitch she has a computer ✨️) and watched a show until she passed out she barely even heard the thud due to the distance between their rooms and the doors being closed
Slowly, Jo peels his injured ass off the carpeted floor and staggers out of his room, seeing Nikki's door closed.
He pauses, then shrugs, making some coffee and then starting on making eggs and bacon.
Nikki eventually woke up about fifteen minutes later because she heard gunshots that caused her to jerk up and grab the gun on her nightstand, only for her to realize it was coming from her computer she rolled her eyes and slammed the computer shut before setting the gun back down and getting out of bed. She heard something in the kitchen and headed out the door looking over at jo as soon as she stepped out.
"Morning sunshine. You look like you slept off that wine." Jo snickers, looking back at Nikki for a moment before going back to making food.
"What the- oh right uh yeah totally." Her tone was overall unbothered but she flipped him off before sitting down on one of the stools
Jo snickers louder before grabbing a plate and sliding one of the eggs and some of the bacon onto it, placing it in front of Nikki.
Nikki rolled her eyes again before looking between the plate and Jo "how are you feeling?"
"Peachy-keen. Perfectly fine. I'm totally okay." Jo snorts sarcastically.
He finishes up cooking and places half the eggs on his plate, all the rest on Nikki's, dividing the bacon equally.
"Im being serious Jo, im cleaning them when you're done eating."
"I cleaned them with rubbing alcohol and whiskey. Literally any germs that would have been able to infect me are dead." he replies.
"Yeah that was last night you have to clean them periodically or they get infected and you could die." She said sternly as she looked over at him
"I highly doubt they'd get infected overnight. We can wait another day. I promise. I've been through this before, remember?" Jo huffs.
"Your acting like a stubborn child just let me clean them it's best to stay on top of it rather than waiting twenty-four hours for you to get the start of an infection."