@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"Dear god fine.. "
"Dear god fine.. "
Jo leans forward, handing over the pack.
He tilts his head slightly, then leans forward slightly further, kissing Nikki.
Nikki smiles a little and leans into the kiss taking the pack and dropping it and putting her hand on his chin tilting his head up a bit
Jo lets Nikki have control of the kiss, smiling just slightly.
Nikki brought her other hand to the other side of his face deepening the kiss before pulling away "okay there.. Done'
Jo chuckles, leaning back to the point where he flips upside down.
He watches Nikki from this new viewpoint.
"That was pretty good, you know."
Nikki laughs and folds her arms looking a Jo "oh yeah how so? "
"Well, neither of us were drunk this time." Jo suggests, laughing.
"… That's every valid but I'm a good kisser with and without alcohol.. "
"And I'm sure I'm good in bed, even while blackout drunk." Jo retorts.
"Yes because we both remember that experience so well right? " she says rolling her eyes
"You'd remember it better than me. It's been four whole ass days and I can't remember anything still." Jo snorts loudly.
Nikki shook her head and laughed
"you are aware I was drunk too right? I can't remember anything either"
"You had less to drink than me!" Jo laughs.
"That doesn't matter I still don't fucking remember!"
Jo raises his hands in surrender.
"Okay, okay!"
Nikki laughs and covers her face with the sleeves of Jo's jacket "oh my god,. "
(or maybe it's lowering? Since he's upside down?)
Jo grins.
(What? Lol)
"Nothing, it's nothing" she says giggling a little bit
(He raised his hands in surrender, lol)
Jo rocks a little, then sits up, no longer upside down.
"Tell me, dear."
(oh that lol)
she shakes her head still giggling
Jo raises an eyebrow.
"You are a pain in my ass, sweetheart."
"I know…..but I don't care"
Jo shrugs, falling backwards out of the tree - purposefully - and flipping, landing on his feet.
"We should get back home."
Nikki started to say something turning to Jo as he starts to fall a she reaches for him but didnt get to him in time "Jo! Are you fucking kidding me I nearly poised myself! "
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