forum "I have a tendency to forget dumb shit." "Do you also have a tendency to forget the law?" "Yeah, like I said, dumb shit." (OxO)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

"Nicole. . . I tried so damn hard when I was married. I tried, and failed every single time. If I could try any harder, I would." Jo growls bitterly.

Deleted user

Jo turns to face Nikki and notices the blood, and his face turns dark. He takes Nikki's hands and holds them, sitting up with effort.

"Nicole. . . I'm sorry. . ." they murmur.

Deleted user

Jo looks down, dropping his hands.

"Fine. . ." they reply.

They slide their legs out from beneath the blanket, then scoot over to the other side of the bed, standing up shakily.

They start walking towards the door.

Deleted user

"To talk to the doctor, if you didn't kill him." Jo replies, stumbling a little.

Deleted user

Jo nods silently, not looking back at Nikki.

If he did, he'd start crying.

He walks out the door, and goes to find the doctor, not returning until a couple hours later.

Deleted user

Jo was walking just fine now.

He looks at Nikki, opting to leave her where she is, putting his jacket over her.

Hijacking a pack of cigarettes from a dude, he goes outside and climbs a tree, exactly like Nikki had done earlier

Deleted user

Jo pulls out a lighter he'd pickpocketed and sighs, pulling a cigarette out of the pack and lighting it, taking a long puff off it.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Nikki sat up once she woke up Jos jacket hanging by her shoulders she looked behind her sighing when she saw it and slipped out of the room to go look for jo after about ten minutes she looked outside and saw him she walked outside and over to the tree slipping the jacket on the rest of the way before climbing up the branches she perched herself on a branch next to jo holding herself up with only her crossed arms and she looked at him with her head resting on her arms a tired smirk on her face
"what are you doing out here? "

Deleted user

Jo looks at Nikki, then sighs.

His sleeveless shirt revealed, now that he was in daylight, that the scars on his forearms travelled all the way up, past his shoulders, the silvery traceries of injuries, self-inflicted and otherwise, telling a story.

He blows out a cloud of smoke, then replies.

"Smoking, and wondering how much money I could get if I killed Donald Trump."

Deleted user

(Lol, I had to babe)
(And y'all stalking this can hate me if you want, or message me all you want; it ain't going to change my mind on Trump being a fucking douchebag)

"Um. . . he's fucking retarded either way, so. . . yeah. Plus, he has a lot of enemies, and I'd get a lot of money for it." Jo laughs, pulling out a cigarette from the pack and handing it to Nikki, lighting it.

Deleted user

"Exactly, and I'm not known for making the greatest of decisions." Jo replies.

Shrugging, they take it back, killing the older one - it was nearly dead anyways - and taking a puff of the new one.

"Why lie?" they ask.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"Your a headache.. "

She huffed and pulled herself into the branch plucking the cigarette of of his mouth and tossing it down into a puddle.

"If you want to continue kissing me no more of these now give me the pack. "

She held out her hand as she leaned against the tree staring at Jo contently

Deleted user

"And your a pain in my ass." Jo retorts cheerfully.

They sigh, leaning back.

"If I give you the pack, will you give me a kiss?"

Deleted user

"Babe, I'm bisexual. I swing either way." Jo snorts.

Jo shrugs as well.

"Then I'll think about giving you the pack."

Deleted user

"I'll give you the pack when you stop 'thinking' about giving me that kiss, honey." Jo smirks.