@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"Shut up jo Jesus Christ…"
"Shut up jo Jesus Christ…"
Jo sighs.
"As you wish, I suppose."
She sighs and looked around the room "I'm bored as fuck.. "
Jo shrugs.
"Kinda can't do much to help right now, considering I literally am icapable of much movement right now."
"Yeah… But like I'm kinda comfortable"
"Yeah, well, you're not helping my chances of being able to move again." Jo huffs.
Nikki laughs a little bit "do I look like I care? "
Jo closes his eyes and shrugs again.
"I'm going to go back to sleep for another couple days then."
"What? No.. "
Jo's already snoring, asleep again.
"Oh my fucking god, I'm never kissing him again." she rolled her eyes and slipped off the bed before walking out of the room.
(She's the one who wouldn't move though XD )
Jo shifts a little, but otherwise doesn't move.
True to his word, two days later, he's awake again.
(She doesn't know how to flirt!)
Nikki was sitting outsidein a tree when jo woke up this time she'd bummed a few cigarettes off of a patient that had came by later that day and was currently smoking one
(I know but still! She brought this on herself!)
Jo slowly sits up, failing a couple times before finally succeeding.
"Nikki?" they call out.
After a moment, they get out of bed, falling once or twice, before finding their balance.
"Nikki?" they call out again as they search the clinic, not finding her, getting a little stressed.
They stumble their way outside, looking for Nikki, panicking now.
"Nikki?!" they call out, sounding scared.
Nikki looks over from the tree and blowing a cloud of smoke and calling out "I'm up here calm down. "
Jo looks up, looking close to tears over this thing.
"I called out your name, loudly, twice, and then when I call your name a third time, you're up in a fucking tree? Like it's no big deal? I thought you left. I was fucking scared, okay? Don't look down on me for being scared about losing you."
"Jo… I couldn't hear you because I was in the fucking tree and you were inside, and I'm not looking down on you… Well I mean figuratively… "
"I was being loud, Nicole." Jo says, eyes bright.
"I thought you'd be inside still. I didn't know you'd be out here. . . so I was scared." he whispers, voice breaking slightly.
Nikki jumps from the branch and takes one more drag from her cigarette before throwing it off to the side and blowing the smoke off to the side and grabbed his shoulders "I'm right here Jo I didn't go anywhere.. Okay? "
Jo leans heavily against Nikki, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.
"Okay. . . please, never leave me. I don't think my poor heart could take it."
Nikki is taken back a moment but wraps her arms around him and ruffled his hair
"Look I won't okay"
Jo smiles tiredly.
"Okay. . . now, can you help get me back inside? I don't even know how I got out here without dying."
Nikki sighs looks over to the cigarette still burning she rolled her eyes and stomped it out
"Okay fine let's go"
Jo removes his arms from Nikki's waist, wrapping one around her shoulders to brace himself.
Nikki walks inside with Jo attached to her hip and brought him back to his room "alright here we are.. "
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