forum "I have a tendency to forget dumb shit." "Do you also have a tendency to forget the law?" "Yeah, like I said, dumb shit." (OxO)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Jo smiles a little, his eyes closing slowly.

His breathing evens out.

Deleted user

Within the next few minutes, it's unclear if Jo just fell unconscious because of hidden pain or because of sleepiness, until he starts snoring softly.

Deleted user

Jo was still snoring softly, but had shifted in that hour, most of his torso on Nikki's lap at this point.

Deleted user

Jo barely reacts, except to curl up closer to Nikki and wrap his arms around her waist.

Deleted user

The doctor, focused on a patient, indicates with a vague wiggle of his fingers a room on the far left of the building.

Deleted user

Jo did not want to let go.

He took Nikki's hand as she tries to leave, a troubled look on his still sleeping face.

Deleted user

Jo's troubled expression fades slowly, back to calm and a little happy.

His arms automatically slip around Nikki as she lays down next to him.

Deleted user

(We want tot do a time skip, now? Cus there's not going to be much happening, I think)

Deleted user

(Lmao, good job, you played both of us)

//Couple days later, since Nikki decided to sleep too and the only thing she'd be doing is trying not to kill the doctor//

Jo wakes up slowly, and looks around tiredly.

"Hello?" they call out sleepily.