@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"Just sleep for a couple days and see how you feel."
"Just sleep for a couple days and see how you feel."
Jo sighs.
"Fiiiiine." they groan, leaning up against Nikki.
Nikki chuckled a little and leaned her head on Jo's "thank you. "
Jo smiles a little, his eyes closing slowly.
His breathing evens out.
Nikki makes herself and Jo more comfortable closing her eyes as well
Within the next few minutes, it's unclear if Jo just fell unconscious because of hidden pain or because of sleepiness, until he starts snoring softly.
Nikki laughed a little and hung her head defeatedly, knowing that it was inevitable, she would have to take him inside soon…but for now, she wanted to enjoy this moment, for now she leaned her head against his and ended up falling asleep as well
Jo snores softly, looking peaceful where he is.
They were outside for about an hour before Nikki woke up and looked around carefully trying not to make Jo fall
Jo was still snoring softly, but had shifted in that hour, most of his torso on Nikki's lap at this point.
Nikki looked down and smiled a bit before lifting Jo up a bit so she could stand and pulled him with her and she mad6her way inside
Jo barely reacts, except to curl up closer to Nikki and wrap his arms around her waist.
She laughs a little as she walks inside and says something to the 'kid' "is there a room he can stay in for a few days? "
The doctor, focused on a patient, indicates with a vague wiggle of his fingers a room on the far left of the building.
She nodded and made her way down the hallway to the room and plopped jo down onto the bed having to practically peal him off her
Jo did not want to let go.
He took Nikki's hand as she tries to leave, a troubled look on his still sleeping face.
She sighed and stood there with him clinging to her, she moved him aside and slipped into the bed next to him
Jo's troubled expression fades slowly, back to calm and a little happy.
His arms automatically slip around Nikki as she lays down next to him.
Nikki shakes her head and snickers "your spoiled I hope you realize.. "
Jo, being asleep, doesn't respond except with a small snore.
Nikki smiles and brings her hand to Jo's chest and lays her head down eventually falling asleep
(We want tot do a time skip, now? Cus there's not going to be much happening, I think)
(Yeah lol we can I didn't exactly think that through)
(Lmao, good job, you played both of us)
//Couple days later, since Nikki decided to sleep too and the only thing she'd be doing is trying not to kill the doctor//
Jo wakes up slowly, and looks around tiredly.
"Hello?" they call out sleepily.
(I'm sorry (◞‸◟)
Nikki had stepped out of the room for a minute but when she heard jo and she stepped inside "yeah"
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