@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"Jo you don't understand…. I can't-" she sighs and shakes her head "never mind"
"Jo you don't understand…. I can't-" she sighs and shakes her head "never mind"
"I understand you don't know how you feel, and that you may have wanted it last night, when we were drunk, not understanding how you would feel in the morning. . ." Jo replies sleepily.
"That's not the issue i-im extremely fertile… And…. I've been pregnant before… Against my will and I lost the child 5 months in.. "
Jo pauses.
"I think I had enough sense to use protection, no matter how blackout drunk I was, dear. But we can get you a test if you want."
"I don't trust tests.. "
Jo sighs.
"Then what do you want to do?"
"I'd say go to the hospital but… They make me anxious… Son of a bitch.. "
Jo sighs and slowly slides out of bed, grabbing his clothes and putting them all on.
"Well. . . I know someone. We'll need to get there by your bike, though."
"What do you mean you know someone? "
"He's a doctor. He runs a small clinic on the west side." Jo replies, pulling out a pair of sunglasses and sticking them on.
"And what's do special about this doctor?"
"He graduated med school, but he never went on to become a doctor, and he's perfectly willing to take care of poeple with. . . less savory criminal records." Jo says, grabbing his pistol - why was it in a corner of the room and not in his jacket? - and opens the door.
"Ah that's why he special… Delightful" she stood up after making sure she grabbed everything and followed him out the door
The rest of the club was pretty much empty, though all the other doors were closed.
Jo ignores all this, bracing himself for daylight.
They step outside, and still yelp as the sunlight touched their eyes.
Nikki follows behind him with her arms wrapped around her stomach and her head down towards the ground
Jo manages to lead them home, and leans against the bike, taking a few breaths.
"God damn it. . . my head hurts so fucking bad. . ."
"I'm sorry…. I can run up and get some aspirin if you want me to.. " she said quietly her arms tightening around her stomach
Jo shakes his head as best he can with his headache.
"Let's. . . let's just go, okay? I'll do my best to give you directions. . ."
She paused and nodded her head "okay… " she grabbed he helmet from a work bench and a little head piece she slipped on the helmet and handed him the ear piece "hear.. So you don't have to yell. "
Jo takes the earpiece and slips it on.
"Thanks. . ." they murmur.
They had never bought a helmet, and Nikki had never provided one, so they just wait for her to climb on first.
Nikki slides into the bike and starts it up "I get make you a helmet at some point if you want me too…
"Maybe. . . we'll see when there's time for that." Jo replies, getting on behind Nikki, wrapping his arms around her waist.
She nodds thankful of the helmet covering her blush she kicked the stand and they were on there way
"In about. . . 4 blocks, take a left." Jo says into the mic, giving Nikki her first directions.
"Alright.. " she nodded and did as she was told taking the turn when she was directed to
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