forum "I have a tendency to forget dumb shit." "Do you also have a tendency to forget the law?" "Yeah, like I said, dumb shit." (OxO)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

"No, you couldn't have, dear, because you tried, and failed." Jo argues.

Deleted user

Jo gestures for Nikki to slide onto the bike first with a small smile at her fidgeting.

Deleted user

Jo slides on the bike behind Nikki, sliding his arms around her waist.

"Let's go."

Deleted user

Jo rests his cheek against Nikki's shoulder as they drive home, relaxing.

Deleted user

Jo notes the difference in time but doesn't comment - yet. All he does is smile softly and press a kiss to the back of Nikki's neck.

Deleted user

Jo chuckles.

"I'd be happy, because I'd die with you right next to me. . ." they murmur.

Deleted user

"Too many plans, huh? Well, I'd better make sure I live long enough to see them. . ." Jo laughs.

"And what will you do if I don't? Throw me off the bike? You love me too much to do that, dear." they chuckle.

"Besides, you'd have nobody who'd be able to tolerate you. . ." they smirk, taking a pause to run their teeth across Nikki's shoulder lightly.

Deleted user

"I can be a place to see and a food to eat." Jo says suggestively.

"Aw, damnit. And here I thought I'd found someone who could tolerate my voice against their neck. . ." they murmur.

"Oh, I'm just teasing, dear. . ." they sigh.

Deleted user

"Oh dear jesus, we've fucked Nikki." Jo snorts.

A flash of a memory comes back to them and they smirk.

"Oh, yeah. . . that night, you quite enjoyed it when I was murmuring things against your neck. . ."

"I do, actually, so now you know what to get me for Christmas!"

Deleted user

Jo starts laughing.

"Oh my god, that was worth it!" they gasp.