@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
Nikki sighs and pinches her noes "I think we should both stick with the wine tonight. "
Nikki sighs and pinches her noes "I think we should both stick with the wine tonight. "
Jo shrugs.
They fall silent for a moment.
"Hey, quick question. . . what would you say if I only planned this entire thing two hours ago?"
Nikki turned to the window looking out again "well… I'd believe you one hundred percent actually"
Jo smiles a little.
"And you'd be completely correct. You'll see just how amazing that really is, though, when we get to where we're eating."
Soon after that, the limo parks in front of a seemingly solid wall.
Jo thanks the driver and opens the door, clambering out of the car, going around to the other side and opening Nikki's door.
Nikki laughed and shook her head well okay then. " when it's the limo stopped she looked up the window a little confused before looking over at Joe once he opened her to where she walked outside and stared at the wall still very confused she glanced over at Joe and Reece and eyebrow "um…. Where are we? "
Jo smiles.
"Just follow me, okay?" he says, taking Nikki's hand.
He steps up to the wall, pressing a specific brick, which causes a hidden door to pop open on silent hinges.
"Welcome to the best hidden restaurant in the world." he grins, stepping inside.
Nikki looks at him but nods she took his and as they walk up to the wall her heart nearly jumps out of her chest "holy shit…… Jo ate you serious right now? "
(I'm about to fuck some shit up XD )
Jo smiles.
"Completely. I just bought this place today. We own it." he grins.
"Happy birthday, Nicole." he says softly, as music starts playing in the background.
(🥺oh my god..)
Nikki looks at the building with one hand over her mouth before looking at Jo and back at the large room "your kidding right- this is a joke? "
"No, it isn't." Jo chuckles.
(That's so cute!)
( and it's not even the fact that he bought a restaurant it's the fact that he remembered her birthday)
She leaned against him before turning around and hugging him sobbing a little "I love you for remembering but hate you for making me cry.. "
(Just don't ask where he found the money- [hint: he's had all of it for a few years])
(Lol, why shouldn't he remember?)
Jo wraps his arms around Nikki, smiling.
"Our relationship summed up in a single sentence." he chuckles.
(Dear Lord lol)
( well she's gone years without ever celebrating her birthday and to be honest no one really ever knew her birthday)
She laughs a little bit still crying as she moved her head to look at the room once more
(Oop lol)
Jo lets go of Nikki, extricating himself from her grasp gently and leading her to a table.
"I kept all the staff and cooks - they're some of the best in the world."
(Well I mean with her past lol)
She sniffled a little and walked with him as he brought her to the table she sat down wiping her face a little thankfully her makeup wasn't ruined "i- can't believe you did this.. "
(I know XD )
(OH! I have something to tell you about Jo!)
"Why shouldn't I? I mean, I remembered it every year. I dropped subtle hints - which you did not get - about the fact that I knew." Jo replies.
A waiter comes to the table, and Jo orders a bottle of nice wine to start off.
He turns back to Nikki.
"My point is, now that we're basically a couple, I figured I should start doing stuff like this."
(oh? tell me!)
nikki looks at him as if he's insane "I never told you my birthday though….how did you know?"
"and since we're in a relationship doesn't mean buy a restaurant you can't just buy stuff like that."
(In PMs! It has to do with our plans as well!)
Jo chuckles.
"Oh, about that- I kinda looked up some records."
"I did, though. I mean, clearly I can just buy stuff like that, since I did it." they shrug.
(ah okay ill be waiting!)
"jo…I don't have a record….I'm not an American citizen…well, I am but illegally- and just because you can doesn't mean you should, jo…"
"No, North Korean records." Jo clarifies.
"Well, get used to things like this. We don't have to move out of the apartments - hell, I don't even want to - but I can get us some better stuff." they sigh.
"i didn't think i had a record in Korea…I was forced into the military but I wasn't registered under a person.."
"but the stuff we have isn't bad it's not like I found it on the side of the road I did buy that stuff and I keep the place clean and the garage organized.."
"You do realize that the military keeps very good records of its soldiers, right?" Jo sighs.
"True. Then what do I do with the money I have?"
"i wasn't just a soldier i was sold to the military jo I was used as a weapon I wasn't treated as a person..what happened in the trade happened to me there but I only got out by killing the people that hurt me."
"save it I suppose for when we really need it."
"We were both weapons. I know from experience, they keep very good records." Jo says softly.
"Fine, fine." they sigh.
The waiter comes back with the wine, and Jo pops it open, pouring it into the two glasses that had been set down as well.
"Enough dark stuff for tonight. Let's just have some fun, okay?" they smile, taking a sip of their wine.
Nikki shrugged and looked at her lap " I suppose….I'm a naturally dark person I don't know if I can be happy …' she said smiling a little bit
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