forum "I have a tendency to forget dumb shit." "Do you also have a tendency to forget the law?" "Yeah, like I said, dumb shit." (OxO)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Jo snickers.

"I'm just ordering something random and hoping it's good, love. You should try the same thing, it may help."

Deleted user

Jo shrugs.

"Suit yourself."

The waiter comes back and takes their orders, then leaves them to their own devices while their food is made.

Deleted user

Jo smiles.

"I see you've found out that the wine glass is crystal."

Deleted user

"And I suppose you'll want to know that we have more." Jo grins.

Deleted user

Jo shrugs.

"Oh, I never said I'd keep people from coming here. I just encouraged people not to come here tonight."

Deleted user

"By being the only person in the city rich and crazy enough to buy this restaurant."

Deleted user

"Oh, wait. Him." Jo sighs, his mood immediately turning violent.

Deleted user

Jo shakes his head, reaching out and gently lifting Nikki's head.

"I'm okay, Nikki. It's fine."