forum "I have a tendency to forget dumb shit." "Do you also have a tendency to forget the law?" "Yeah, like I said, dumb shit." (OxO)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Jo slowly wakes up, yawning.

"Good morning, love. . ." he says softly, kissing Nikki on the forehead.

Deleted user

Jo nods slightly.

"So. . . how long until we go on our first proper date?"

Deleted user

"Who knows? I'm wanted in all 50 states. I'm sure that as soon as I step into a popular restaurant, they'll have security on me. And then I might have to crack some skulls." Jo replies.

Deleted user

Jo sighs.

"I'm taking you out tonight, dear. I'll have to buy some date worthy clothes, but it'll be worth it."

Deleted user

Jo smiles mysteriously.

"You'll see." they reply, shifting Nikki so he can get up.

Deleted user

"I promise, love. Now, I'm going shopping. I'll meet you back here at 5:30." Jo nods, kicking on his shoes, grabbing his key, a gun and an older jacket of his - Nikki was still in his favorite one.

Deleted user

Jo grins.

"Just find a dark colored dress to wear. If you'd like you can wear makeup." they reply, taking a step back towards Nikki and kissing her on the cheek before opening the door and stepping out.

"See you later."

And with that, he's gone.

Deleted user

Jo raises a concerned eyebrow, walking over to Nikki's room and opening the door, leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly.

"Wow." he grins, giving Nikki a once-over.

Deleted user

Jo dodges the alarm clock with a laugh and a twirl.

"Even half-ready you look hot, sweetheart."