Marius shied away when Evan kissed him, not liking how close the other was to his mouth. You've just been gone awhile and we agreed to meet up, is all… He huffed a bit and crossed his arms. I'm… I'm not that needy.
Marius shied away when Evan kissed him, not liking how close the other was to his mouth. You've just been gone awhile and we agreed to meet up, is all… He huffed a bit and crossed his arms. I'm… I'm not that needy.
"Okay Mari." He sat down on a chair next to Marius's bed and opened up his book. "I didn't agree to it not really. There was no verbal agreement, or physical knowledge of me saying yes. You just told me and expected me to show up. Do realize I am busy Prince, and I do not HAVE to serve you. I choose too because I love you. There's a difference." He shrugged as he sat criss-cross applesauce on the chair and began to read.
Marius huffed a bit and fell silent for a few minutes. He shifted occasionally as though he wanted to do something, but needed to work up the nerve to do so. Once he'd gathered that nerve, he tentatively slipped out of bed and crawled into Evan's lap so he could huddle up with the other.
"Awww. Hi there handsome." He set down the book and hugged Marius close,rocking him softly. "You're really not that bad around me. I appreciate it." He kissed Marius's head softly, a glad warm smile on his face. "Oh and I do love your hair. It's gorgeous. You're gorgeous." Evan just couldn't stop his praise as he kissed Marius's head a few more times.
Marius flushed red at the showering of affection and buried his face in Evan's shoulder, flattening his ears back with a soft whine. Too much… you can keep reading if you want, I don't care, I'm just… I'm gonna stay here for now… He fidgeted with his hands a bit, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
"Sorry Prince." He stopped and lightly held Marius to let him relax, opening up his book and reading it with one hand, the other arm wrapped securely around Marius's waist, a smile on his face. He relaxed with Marius in his arms, taking a few deep breaths.
Marius seemed to relax when Evan let him be, purring weakly with his eyes closed. He let his head rest on the other's shoulder with his tail curled around the leg of the chair so it would be out of his way. What are you reading?
"A book on dragons. From types to how they navigate and cultural differences and similarities. It's the first in this writers series, it really is interesting." He said with a nod. "If you want to read your own novel, please go right on ahead." He smiled and gently kissed Marius's cheek, liking how embarrassed he got but not wanting to push his limits too far.
Okay… Marius hesitated before holding out one hand. His palm glowed and the book he'd been reading gracefully floated into his hand. He opened it up to where he'd left off and started to quietly read, seeming content to just settle in Evan's lap and do this for now.
A few hours of reading passed, and Evan had made a pretty good headway into his book. He was started by Evelyn knocking on the door. "Oh MARIUUUUSSS~ your mother has decided that Marianna is coming tomorrow, and that Evan should get ready to leave. Marianna misses her wittle anny wanny a bit too much to be separated for too long. Oh. And that dinner will be ready in an hour. OH! And. Marianna is staying for the rest of the week so you and her may get acquainted and more accustomed to each other." She then walked away and Evan's face became a stone set glare, instead of it's usual look of serious relaxation, of endearment but also caution. He was NOT happy with this news.
Marius whined softly and huddled closer to Evan, clinging to the other. I don't… I don't want you to leave, though… can't I just like, demand that you stay? He looked up at Evan weakly. I… c-can't I? I've got the authority, right? I don't want you to go… He buried his face in Evan's chest.
"Oh Marius. As agreed I have to leave at the end of the week. Do keep in mind my mother has a higher power of ruling than you do. Ultimately what she says goes. And if mother wishes me to return home with Marianna at the end of the week, then so be it. I will be moving in here soon anyways Marius, since you and Anna are getting married. A tragedy in of itself but, I will be here on a constant. To answer all your questions and sneak off with you into the night." He began to pet Marius, inwardly curious as someone so cruel and cold could be so cuddly and sweet.
But… but I'm gonna be king soon. I should be able to force you to stay if I want you to… Marius fidgeted nervously with his hands as he huddled up against Evan. I don't care about getting to know Marianna… I know I'll never really love her anyway. I'm just forced to rule with her… He sighed shakily, trying to figure out what he could do.
"Marius. I promise. I will be back before you know it okay? Don't stress so much. Focus on the now. She'll be here tomorrow. We still have our lovely picnic date in that cave to go on. Speaking of which since dinner is served, we should go pack a basket and what ever other supplies we wish to bring along." He kissed Marius, and carefully set down both of their books, then picked him up. "Would you like to be carried or…?"
Okay… Marius shifted himself in Evan's arms a bit to be more comfortable. That's… that's fine, I guess… He rested his head on the other's shoulder with a soft sigh. This is stupid… why don't I get any say?
"Because you're only a prince who isn't used to having to compromise and accommodate. You have many lessons yet to learn Marius. You can't get everything you want no matter your social ruling. Even your parents probably don't have EVERYTHING. Money can buy things but it can't buy true happiness. Maybe your parents would like faster travelling or to be rulers over the main trading port Achara for a heavier cash flow. Who knows. Even I don't have everything I want. If everyone got everything they wanted right then and there all the time well…the world would be boring and hellish." He shrugged and kissed Marius's head. "Don't fret so much. It's just the way the world works. We still have tonight together." He said all of this while walking with Marius hoisted up in his arms, walking to the kitchens.
Marius huffed a bit and stopped trying to argue, clearly still pretty annoyed. He didn't move at all until they reached the kitchens, at which point he slipped out of Evan's arms to start gathering food for them to bring on the picnic. He grabbed an assortment of things, mostly bread and such that he figured that Evan would like. Considering that he couldn't really properly eat food or enjoy it, he didn't care what was brought along.
Evan nabbed 2 bottles of wine and a small flask of, once he smelled it, moonshine. He then went around and grabbed fruit and other small snacks, putting it all into the basket. "Oh ew pickles." He grabbed the jar of them and put them back. "Disgusting." He made a clearly grossed out face and nodded. "Everything else looks good though." He then bundled up some silverware in napkins, tied them with twine, and plopped them in. "Let's go get blankets and other bedding too."
Okay… you carry the basket. Marius wandered out of the kitchen and headed back into his room, grabbing the blanket that Evan had given him first. After that he grabbed a couple of other things that looked comfortable and left his room with them all bundled up in his arms.
"Shall we ride or walk?" He asked as he headed out the doors of the castle, basket swaying at his side. He was still mad about Marianna coming back so early, he'd barely been here for 3 days. She still had 4 days, but he should've figured she wouldn't actually wait that long. He shook his head as if to get the thoughts out of his mind. He then looked down at Marius and couldn't help but smile softly.
Ride, probably. It's not easy to carry all this. Marius trotted along at Evan's side, frequently adjusting his grip on the blankets and such. I'd use magic to levitate it, but that drains a lot of my energy… it's better to just carry things normally if I'm holding it for a while.
Evan nodded and headed off to the stables, and packed his saddle bags, and clipped a bedroll saddle bag onto Marius's horse for him. He then got on the horse and put the basket in his lap, and looked over at Marius with patience. "Are you feeling good enough to ride?" He asked, still concerned from where he fell off his horse earlier.
Yeah, I'm fine… Marius loaded the blankets onto his pony and mounted it, picking up his reins. They fixed it. Now, let's get going. He dug his heels into the pony's sides and headed off, leading Evan to the cave he'd brought him to earlier.
Evan nodded and followed suit, sometimes having to stop to readjust his basket. They eventually got there and he got off, and put the basket in the cave before returning over to Marius and his horse in case he needed help. Out here the wind blew and he felt free. Sunset would be coming soon, and Evan was glad he had a sword in his saddle bag, in case wolves came out of the forest.
Marius carefully slid off of his pony and grabbed the blankets, heading over to the cave to start climbing in. We might want to head back before it gets super dark… there's wild animals out here sometimes, you know.
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