forum I Hate You So Kiss Me(0/0) (Closed!) (Stalkers Welcome)
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He's fine… Marius replied weakly, trembling in Evan's arms. He couldn't breathe yet, and not being able to gasp for air through his mouth clearly wasn't helpful. He was already feeling lightheaded.He just… doesn't normally go so fast…

Deleted user

"You could've stayed behind or told me to stop. I would've listened. Got the wind knocked out of you huh?" He smiled and put Marius on Princess. "Hold on tight. I'll lead us back." He took both horses bridles and lead them back, nickering and talking to them softly. He was so gentle, rubbing their velvet noses and just generally being cute.


Mm… Marius held on tight as instructed until he could breathe again, at which point he finally relaxed. He looked up from where he was to see how far they'd gotten. Where are you taking me…?

Deleted user

"Back to the castle of course." He was leading them slowly back past the barns and such. He then stopped paying attention and began to baby talk the animals, calling them pet names and gushing over the little baby creatures, absolutely lost in his own little world. He was less professional here.


But I'm not hurt… just kinda bruised. Marius replied, sitting up a bit more to get closer to Evan. We can keep going on your tour thing if you really want to…

Deleted user

(MARIUS NOTICE EVAN BEING CUTE YOU PRICK HE'S A SOFT BOI. Also please if a character doesn't care, add in they don't care or are disgusted. I don't want to be rude or picky but definitely helps reveal parts of the character. It's just good writing to know) Evan didn't even respond and let go of the horses completely to go hug a baby cow, kissing it's large nose and quietly talking to it.


(You already know that Marius is a prick lol, I'm not gonna make him act ooc if I can help it)
Where are you going? Marius sighed softly and carefully slipped off of the horse to follow Evan. He was limping a bit as he headed over and hesitated before petting the cow as well.

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"Good baby. Hey you're limping, get back on Princess. She really is a gentle thing." He looked a little cross as he looked down at Marius. "You are hurt sire. I really wouldn't want you to worsen your pain for the likes of me." (I know but like. 'Marius noticed Evan's hand but didn't really care, and in fact deep down enjoyed it.' Or something like that. Idk. Maybe I'm a prick too)


Gentle or not, I can't get on her by myself. She's too tall. Marius continued to gently pet the cow, sighing softly to himself in exasperation. And I'm not hurt. I already told you that. He insisted. He kept his gaze firmly on the cow so he wouldn't have to see Evan's face.

Deleted user

"Yes you are the way you're limping." He promptly scooped up Marius and put him back on Princess. "Stay. We're heading back and getting you a check up to make sure you didn't sprain anything." He glared and kept going.


Marius rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. I'm fine. I assure you. Just a bit sore. The ground out here isn't exactly soft, after all. I'm not actually injured at all. He hesitated before reaching out to pet the horse. At least this one seemed less prone to tripping…

Deleted user

The horse just kept going as Evan sighed. "Alright fine. But still. I'm not letting you walk sire. I wouldn't want you straining a muscle and tearing it or something." He said this with a shake of his head. "But we may go where you wish." He said softly.


Alright, alright… Marius huffed a bit, obviously annoyed. There's not a ton of other big landmarks around here, to be honest. Mostly just open land and such. He winced a bit and glanced down at his leg, where a bit of blood was beginning to seep through his pants. We're pretty far from most everything else at the moment. He continued, deciding to ignore the blood. It didn't hurt all that bad anyway, so he doubted it was anything serious.

Deleted user

Evan looked back to say something and saw the blood. He sighed and reached into his saddle bag, and pulled out some gauze and tape, and carefully rolled up Marius's leg. Once he found the wound he bandaged him up, and softly kissed the bandage once it was placed on. He then gently unrolled the pants leg and put it back in place. "There. I'm used to Evelyn being hurt so I always carry medic supplies." He kept walking the horses back.


Marius flushed when Evan started messing with his leg, and even more when he kissed it. He buried his face in the other's shoulder when he finally pulled away, clearly still annoyed and flustered. He didn't thank Evan, of course, but tentatively wrapped his arms around him to cling to him. There's a field of flowers a little ways away from here…

Deleted user

"Hm? Do you want me to carry you shy prince?" He took the hug as his thanks, and smiled gently. "I'll do it but only if you hold our horses reigns. I can't carry you and lead both of the horses." He hand Marius both sets of reigns and held him close. "Just direct me to the field, that's all I ask."


…Okay… Marius accepted the reins from Evan and huddled close to him as he directed the horses to the flower field. He kept the brim of his hat tipped down over his face in an attempt to hide his blush.

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Evan soon came upon the flower field and set down Marius, tied the horses up to a tree, and lay down in the meadow. He took a deep breath as he watched the bees fly about in the air.


Marius curled up on the ground beside Evan, more focused on the other's face than he was on the flowers or sky. He also obviously didn't like the bees, holding tighter to Evan's arm whenever one neared him.

Deleted user

Evan patted Marius and smiled. "Watch this." As one landed on a flower he reached up and slowly pet the poor creature. It just buzzed away from the flower. "See? Harmless. I've been petting bees since I was a kid and I've never been stung once. Neither has Evelyn. They won't hurt you. Friendly little things." He smiled, not noticing the way Marius looked at him as he stared up at the clouds.


I still don't like them… Marius huffed and huddled closer to Evan, keeping his eyes on the other's face. They fly near my ears and bother me and I don't like the way they move… it freaks me out. He glared at a honeybee that dared to come within a few feet of him.

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"But they're so cute. There just big fat friends. Oh look butterflies!" He pointed a little ways away to about 4 or 5 of them darting through the air. He watched them before returning to cloud watching. He felt Marius's eyes on him but wanted to see what Marius would do if he ignored him, IF he does anything. "Gosh the clouds are so pretty…"


The butterflies don't bother me much… they're fine. Marius huddled closer to Evan and held tighter to him, glancing around to make sure none of the bees would attempt to come near again. He almost didn't want Evan to notice his staring so that he could look at him longer. He'd have to look away if Evan took notice.

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"Look there's a dragon cloud! And that one looks like a bear. Oh and there's some bunnies." He grinned as he pointed them out, bright blue eyes shining as he looked around. He then gave Marius a small hug, and began to pick the flowers around him, not looking at Marius though, faking his obliviousness.


Mhmm… Marius watched Evan quietly as he picked some flowers, fidgeting with his hands a bit. Watching Evan was nice, but he did want some attention. He hesitated before pulling himself into the other's lap to force him to pay attention to him.