…Alright… Marius shifted so he was in front of Evan. He removed his mask only when he was sure that Evan was in a position where he couldn't see him. Goodnight…
…Alright… Marius shifted so he was in front of Evan. He removed his mask only when he was sure that Evan was in a position where he couldn't see him. Goodnight…
Evan kissed the back of his neck. "Goodnight my prince." He leaned up, blew out the lantern,and fell asleep with his arms wrapped tight around him. The next morning Evan woke up with a groan and sat up, bleary-eyed and hungry. "Neck why is there…oh yes. Last night. Gmorning Mari." He said with a grin, kissing his cheek,closing his eyes as he did so.
Marius had awoken early to put on his mask before Evan woke up, although he still seemed pretty drowsy. Good morning, Evan… we should probably go get breakfast. You sound hungry. He flipped around to tuck his head under Evan's chin.
"Mmm yes I am. But. I'm not ready to get up." He pulled Marius into him and kissed his cheeks a bit more, a smile on his face.
Marius whined a bit at the showering of attention and pushed Evan away from himself, huffing. Too much… we can stay here for a few minutes if you really want to, though.
"I do apologize, my mind is a little scrambled. Thank you. I just like having you here in my arms." He smiled gently and pressed one last kiss to Marius's cheek. "Alright. I'm done kissing you. For now. Unless you ask for them." He nodded and held Marius close, enjoying the sleepy warmth.
Mm… Marius closed his eyes again and tangled himself up with Evan, seeming content for now. We really should get going soon, though. It'll be suspicious if we're in here for too long.
"I know. I know. But you said I could stay for a moment. So. A moment I shall stay." He sat up very slowly with Marius in his lap. He groaned. "I don't want to be selfish but I really do not want to let you go. You are warm and fit into my grasp like a puzzle piece. But you do hold a good point." His arms slide away from around Marius, and he set him down before standing up and stretching. He then began to get dressed, humming quietly as he did so.
I should probably go get dressed as well. Farewell. Marius bowed a bit and hurried off to his own room to pull on his usual garb. He was already at the table by the time Evan came out of his room.
Evan smiled as he left and bowed in return. He came to the table running a hand through his hair, and sat down. "I do apologize for being late to breakfast my queen. I had trouble sleeping last night and kept myself awake by reading." He began to get himself food, a smile he can't wipe off of his face beaming bright, thinking about the events of last night. "Marius. Would you mind taking me horse riding? I'd like to see the lands and your gardens. I saw them out the window this morning. Absolutely beautiful, your gardeners must work hard. I want to see them closer."
Mm. I suppose. Marius adjusted his hat and finished teleporting food into his stomach. I will be outside in the stables. Don't keep me waiting for too long. He left the castle and examined all the horses closely, trying to decide which one to ride. Most of the horses were ponies or just rather short. He saddled up his usual slim, white pony and was sitting on it when Evan arrived.
"Always so rude." Evan said, shaking his head. He finished eating as quick as he could and bolted out the door to the stables. He then walked along the horses. His horse was a tall grey speckled pony, with big brown eyes. "Hi there Princess." He said, kissing her nose and then saddling up. He had brought along his knapsack, and it was slung over his shoulders. He seemed to carry it with him everywhere. "Thank you for taking me on a ride."
Mhmm. Marius dug his heels into his pony's sides and led it outside. What all were you wanting to see? He asked, coaxing the pony into a trot as he glanced around the grounds. The property is large. We could be out here all day just looking at everything.
"Then let's spend the whole day together Mari." He said in a jovial tone. "I'll let you decide where we go, with the catastrophe that was the market yesterday. I think this time you should lead. I don't care where we go." He led the horse along, following Marius slowly.
Alright. Marius continued on, bringing Evan first to the flower gardens. We grow lots of our own food here, but these gardens are purely decorative. We've got flowers from places all over the world growing here.
"Ah. I recognize Snapdragon flowers here, from my home. And Twizzle Twist vines." He touched one of the leaves gently, looking over the gardens with a smile. "I do hope you come to Obdin some day. I'm not sure if you'd like it, but. I still hope you go."
I'm sure I'll end up there for a meeting or something one day. Marius headed into the flower garden and looked around with a soft hum, brushing his fingers gently along the flowers' petals. I'll have to do even more of those when I'm king.
"Yeah I know. But I'll always be there by your side as an advisor. I'm the eldest male in the family so that's why I'm Marianna's advisor. Crystal never married as you know. Some think she never will." He shrugged and suddenly gasped. "Oh! Marigolds! My favorite." He said as he rode over and got off his horse, and picked a few. He stuck them in his hair and he got back on his horse. "Don't judge me. They're gorgeous."
Hmm. I like lilies myself. All the rare flowers in here and they're still my favorite… Marius plucked a lily from its bush and gently stuck it behind his ear. I spend more time in this place than you'd think. I like being outside, but I don't like the market.
"I guess I'm just used to being forced to be extroverted. And you well, you're used to your own space. I do apologize." He smiled, already making a mental note about the lilies. "Where too next then, my dear prince?" He asked, looking over at Marius.
Mm… we can go to the normal gardens, if you'd like. Vegetables and the like. Marius turned his pony around and headed out of the flower garden, the lily still behind his ear.
Evan nodded and followed him. "Have you ever gone dragon riding?" He asked suddenly, looking over at Darius.
Yes. Once, when I was younger, and then never again. Marius tightened his grip on his pony's reins. I ended up getting hurt and never tried it again.
He nodded gently. "I love dragon riding. We actually have a sport in Obdin called Dragonball. It's a mixture of sports, but of course you have to be specially trained in riding. Me and Evelyn play all the time. Maybe. If you trust me. I could take you again. I'd take you on the oldest and gentlest dragon we have, Scarlet. I promise that if we somehow fell off, I'd hit the ground instead of you."
I don't know. Maybe. I'll consider it. Marius sighed and continued on until they reached the gardens. Here's where we grow our vegetables and such. I assume they taste good, but I wouldn't know.
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