forum Hero x Villain // O/O // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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@Rvan group

Damian smiled a little as he sipped on his own wine. He glanced at Rowan with his burger and wine, and his smile turned even brighter. Here was this guy, the Reaper, full of class and handsomeness, eating a burger with wine. Damian was probably doing more staring and admiring than actually eating, but he simply couldn’t help it. He found that Rowan somehow looking even more handsome with the casual food but classy wine. The man looked more like a normal person, rather than how people tended to think of him as a monster.


Rowan looked up and caught him staring. He smiled at Damian. "You need to eat too, not just watch me eat." He said with a teasing grin. He took another bite of his own food, then looked at the wine critically. "Maybe I should have gotten beer. It would go better with a burger." He remarked, laughing a little. "But oh well."

@Rvan group

“But you’re just so handsome,” Damian told him playfully with a fond smile, going back to taking small bites of his food, “It’s hard to focus when I’m sitting next to a guy like you.” Damian happily smiled, trailing his finger around the corner of his glass before taking another sip.


Rowan chuckled. "And I have a hard time focusing around guys as handsome as you, and yet here we are." he replied in the same playful manner. He took another bite of his burger, careful not to stain his shirt with anything that might happen to drip out of the burger.

@Rvan group

Damian quickly dissolved into a blushing mess at Rowan’s words. “Now I’m not going to be able to focus at all,” Damian told him with a small giggle, his blush never ceasing. He’s so sweet. And handsome. And genuine. Literally the perfect guy. If only he wasn’t a slightly crazed maniac half the time…


(again, that makes Rowan sound like an abusive psychopath lol)

Rowan smiled. "Mm. You're welcome." he replied, teasing lightly. He took another bite of his food, then set the burger down and took a sip of wine. He stood, and leaned across the table to plant a kiss on Damian's cheek. "But, once we finish eating, we can leave, and go somewhere else, and I'll kiss you again." he winked.

@Rvan group

(yeppers lmao)
Damian managed to blush even more, happiness dancing around in his chest at the kiss on his cheek. He liked this date very much so far. “I like that plan a lot,” Damian told him with a grin, increasing the pace at which he was eating ever so slightly. He simply couldn’t help it—his eagerness for more of those sweet kisses.


Rowan smiled, and sat down again. "Then finish your food! I can't kiss you if you haven't finished your food!" he grinned at Damian happily, and took another bite of his own food. He was really, really happy about this. That he and Damian were on this date, and that Damian seemed so happy to be here too.

@Rvan group

Damian playfully rolled his eyes, but he did start eating his small bites a little bit faster. He was about halfway through the plate and he finally said, “You want a bite of mine? I don’t think I can finish it.” He offered a forkful from his own fork to Rowan, smiling a little.


Rowan smiled. "Sure." he leaned forward and ate the bite off of Damian's fork, looking him in the eyes the whole time. He leaned back again, and licked his lips a little. "That was actually really good! What did you order, again?" he asked, smiling flirtatiously at Damian.

@Rvan group

Damian's eyes followed those lips the entire time. "Just an alfredo dish," He said lightly, sitting towards the edge of his seat. "Although I probably could've ordered something better." Damian brought the fork back into his mouth, not ceasing his stare at his handsome date.


"Ah right." Rowan nodded. "Hm. Maybe I need to branch out from cheesburgers." he chuckled a little, eyes tracking the fork up to Damian's mouth. He blinked, and took a sip of the wine. He wanted to kiss his date again. Wanted to hold Damian in his arms and kiss him again and again. But that would have to wait. He was pretty sure the restaurant would throw them out for causing a scene if he did that right this moment.

@Rvan group

Maybe you should. Maybe you should try the thing sitting right in front of you. Damian mentally swatted at himself for his wants, but gosh why was Rowan so, so handsome? Damian wanted- well, he wanted many, many things. Most, if not all, were involved with Rowan. Damian licked the fork he was holding, still unable to tear his gaze away as if he was entranced by the wonderful man before him.


Rowan shuddered a little at the lick, part of him imagining Damian's mouth in quite a different place…no. He told himself. Don't even go there right now. His eyes were still locked on Damian, traveling over his face and mouth, tracing the contours of his lips in his mind. He swallowed, and took another sip of wine.

@Rvan group

Damian, too, was imagining his own mouth in a different place other than the fork. And then imagining a particular part of Rowan in a particular place. No no no no no Damian, you know that’ll end up badly. Very, very badly. You couldn’t even hardly take your pants off last time without screwing everything up, why on earth do you let yourself even consider fantasying about this? Damian forced himself to set the force down, and take a sip of his wine as well. Of course, his gaze never left Rowan still, taking his own time to examine those stunning features.


Stop fantasizing, Rowan! Rowan scolded himself. Seriously. It's your first date, use the head on your shoulders, not the one in your pants! He let out a breath. "Do we want to get dessert?" He asked in a low voice. Or are you going to be dessert? He almost blurted the flirtatious, rather inappropriate thought, but stopped himself just in time.

@Rvan group

Damian licked his lips a little. Don’t you see you already have dessert? Damian needed to calm his fantasies down right now. Rowan was the Reaper, and Damian needed to draw the line. But he simply couldn’t. “Maybe we could share…?” Damian proposed softly, swallowing.


Rowan smiled lazily, eyes still fixed on Damian's face. "That sounds good. And then you can be second dessert." He winked, then his eyes widened a little as he realized exactly what he had said. But it was too late to take it back now. And he…he didn't want to. He was a little surprised at himself, but at the same time…he wondered what Damian would reply with.

@Rvan group

Damian took half a second to process the words, and he quickly dissolved into a blushing mess. Yes yes yes yes yes. His heart leaped through his chest—despite his blushing face, Damian very much liked Rowan flirting with him like this. He opened his mouth to try to speak, but he had to take a couple seconds to actually speak, and even that ended up turning into a flustered mess, “I… Y-Yeah, yeah. Second dessert- I like that idea.” Damian licked his lips again, his fantasies dancing around in his even though it was gonna be so bad. He knew he couldn’t let himself… with Rowan


Rowan nodded. He leaned forward again and pressed a long kiss to Damian's mouth, feeling the other's soft lips against his own. He cupped Damian's cheek with one hand, fingers sliding up and into his hair. He pulled away after a long minute, face still a breath away from Damian's. "Good." he murmured, catching Damian's lip between his teeth for a moment.

@Rvan group

It was simply breathtaking. Every kiss Rowan gave Damian was breathtaking. He didn’t realize it, but he accidentally formed a thin, transparent layer of ice on top of their cups of wine. All of Damian’s worries and self-loathing about his fantasies went out the window as those teeth caught his lips. Heavens he hadn’t ever been kissed like this before, never so intimately. It drove him nuts.


Rowan was looking at him, still bent across the table. Which was a rather uncomfortable position, if he was honest. And he tried to be, about most things. He gave a soft laugh, and pressed his mouth to Damian's again, then pulled away. "I should sit back down." he said. The waiter came over, and asked if there was anything else he could get them. Rowan looked at Damian. "What do we want for dessert?" he asked.

@Rvan group

Damian’s heart wad dancing like a hummingbird. That last kiss left him feeling all bubbly inside, and he had a hard time focusing. “Hmmm…” Damian looked at the small desert card on the table, “Would you want to get the triple chocolate brownie ala mode?”


Rowan smiled. "That sounds delicious." he replied. He looked at the waiter. "We'll have what he said." The waiter smiled and nodded, and left. Rowan looked at Damian. "I'll kiss you more later. It hurts a little to lean across the table like that."

@Rvan group

Damian simply couldn’t stop himself from saying flirtatiously, “I could just sit on your lap. For eating purposes, of course. It’d be easier to share.” Gosh he really wanted to sit on that man’s lap. He didn’t care whether it’d be now or later when they’d be alone, Damian craved to be close.