forum @Everwolf
Started by @Fraust

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"I-I'm okay, don't worry…" Lucas said weakly, gagging a bit. "I'm not sick. It's just… it's just the nerves…"

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Skye hummed, "Stuff like this is never gonna not make me worry love…"


Lucas threw up again. "Y-Yeah… that's… that's understandable." He looked up at Skye, breathing heavily.

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Skye gently rubbed his back, hugging him, but not restricting him.


Lucas leaned against Skye, coughing. His stomach still felt unsettled, but he didn't think that he'd throw up again. But he was wrong, of course, and ended up having to quickly pull away from Skye to lean over the trash can again.

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Skye let him deal ith it, staying there despite the smell.


"I think… I think I'm good now…" Lucas made his way back over to the wall and sat down, his throat burning and his stomach feeling emptier than usual.

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Skye helped him sit down, offering him the waterbottle.


Lucas drank some of the water and lay against Skye again, closing his eyes. He'd mostly calmed down by now, so there was less risk of him throwing up again.


"Mm…" Lucas held onto Skye, sort of wanting to cuddle but not sure if it would upset his stomach. "I-I love you…" He said quietly, tightening his grip on Skye.

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"I love you too beautiful…" he murmured, hugging him.


"I don't feel very good right now, though…" Lucas hesitantly crawled into Skye's lap, tucking his head under the other's chin.

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Skye gently rubbed his back, "Anything I can do to make it better hun?" he asked.


Lucas sighed softly. "I dunno, love… I just wanna cuddle but I don't feel good and I don't wanna throw up again…"

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Skye hummed, "just relax okay? Worrying will make it worse…"


"Okay, okay…" Lucas tried his best to relax his body, his legs around Skye's waist.
(Tfw Marco still isn't here lol)

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Skye hummed, gently massaging his back and shoulders.


"That feels nice…" Lucas's tense shoulders relaxed a bit at Skye's touch. "Please don't stop…"


Lucas eventually managed to relax as he lay on Skye, trying not to fall asleep. Honestly, he was really tired, but he didn't really want to sleep yet.

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Skye hummed a soft tune, holding the other close.

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Skye sighed, ruffling his hair, "Then what do you wanna do?"


"I dunno… I'm too tired to do anything…" Lucas yawned, laying his head against Skye's chest.