forum @Everwolf
Started by @Fraust

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Hello @Everwolf ! You know who I am, of course ^^ if possible, I would really love to continue our soulmate roleplay with our precious boyos <33


Yay! Would you like me to post the last comment from the original or do you remember? We could also time skip a bit or something and see how their relationship has advanced. It's up to you ^^

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I would prefer to pick up wher we left off, and no I don't remember, cause I probs didn't check, and between my mom and my english exam this morning, everything's blank..


(I just copied a few) 1 day ago
"I'm not trying to listen to your thoughts, and you have the sheild up, meaning I can't ear them, and you're blushing." He explained.

@Caustic-Fraust-Has-An-Interview-Thursday 1 day ago
"Oh… I-I, um…" Lucas looked down, blushing harder. "I said I think you're.. y-you're… hot…" He finished almost inaudibly.

1 day ago
It was Skye's turn to blush, visibly for once.

@Caustic-Fraust-Has-An-Interview-Thursday 1 day ago
"I-I'm sorry… I… I shouldn't've…" His voice trailed off and he hid his face in his hands again.

1 day ago
"It's alright… y-you just caught me off guard…."

@Caustic-Fraust-Has-An-Interview-Thursday 1 day ago
Lucas peered at Skye from between his fingers. "Are you… Are you blushing?" He asked, a smile slowly growing onto his face.

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(YAY!! Though could you possibly take my user out of it? I don't want my mom finding this…)

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"Yep….. I do that more often then you think…." he said sheepishly.


"You're cute when you blush." Lucas giggled a bit for a moment before covering his mouth. He'd always hated his laugh.

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Skye seemed to flush darker at that, a rare moment for him.


Lucas looked away, pretty much his entire face red. It was quite a contrast to his normally very pale complexion. He was still covering his mouth with his hands so he wouldn't laugh again.

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Skye gently pulled his hands away, "What's wrong?" he asked.


"I… I-I hate my laugh… it's stupid." Lucas continued avoiding eye contact, his heart pounding.

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Skye hummed softly, "Why do you say that?" he asked softly.

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Skye hummed softly, his tone a little darker. "Lucas…. you can forget anything your dad ever told you, you know as well as I do he was a bully…"


Lucas blinked away tears. God, not now… "I-I know… it's just hard to ignore the things he says… y-you ignore it for a while, but you start doubting. Is that really true? Does… d-does he really think that about me?"

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Skye pulled him into a gentle hug. "Who cares what he thinks… we came here to escape him. I know i can't erase the memories… but we can put it behind us…"


Lucas nodded. "Y-You're right… I'm… I'm sorry…" He hugged Skye tightly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

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"there's nothing to apologize for…" he murmured, holding him tightly.