forum @Everwolf
Started by @Fraust

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Iā€¦ I dunno. You do whatever and I'll say if it's too far. Lucas sat back and looked up at Skye.

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Skye hummed, then gently pushed him down onto the old sleeping bag Marco had found in a donation box.

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Skye hummed, pinning him with another kis, quickly moving down his jawline to his neck.


Lucas moaned again, biting his lip in an attempt to keep quiet. He was definitely glad that Marco was busy tonight.

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Skye hummed, trailing kisses along the other's collarbone.


Lucas gasped for breath, keeping his eyes closed. He didn't know what t to do with his hands, so it was good that Skye had them pinned down.

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Skye hummed, slowly traing kisses to the other's chest, taking on of his nipples into his mouth, sucking on it.

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Skye continued, letting one of Lucas' hands free so his could tease the other.


Lucas's hand stayed where it was on the ground, and he watched Skye. He was a little nervous, but he didn't think it was too much for him yet.

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Skye kept it up a few moments more before trailing kisses and hickeys down his stomach.


Lucas whined softly, gripping Skye's hand that he was still holding. He closed his eyes again, a few strands of his hair falling into his eyes.

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When Skye reached the other's pantline he looked up at him questioningly, asking permission as he fiddled with the fabric.

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(Do we continue, cut it off, or go to PM? cause we are borderline)


(Anything's good with me. I'm fine with going to pm if you are)
Lucas hesitated for a few seconds before giving him a small nod.

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(We probably should before going any further, and as far as development we should probably let it develop, so I vote PM, (You wanna set it up, or shall I?)