forum @Everwolf
Started by @Fraust

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"I don't think they'll let dogs in.." he said, but you should be able to stick around…"

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"No idea…" he said, "The manger only agreed to take me on…"


"Mm… well, we'll figure something out. We should be there soon." Lucas never let go of Skye's hand all the way to the restaurant.

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Skye hummed finally leading him into a fast food joint, one of the older, more retro ones.


Lucas was a bit nervous now since they'd actually be talking to people and stuff, but he still held tight to Skye's hand. "So… who do we need to talk to, love?"

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Skye smiled at the term, moving for the staff door, where they saw a large lady with a freindly smile. "Hullo! I guess you weren't lying when you said you'd be back!" she said, smiling at Skye, "And who might yer friend be?"


Lucas blushed a bit, but he didn't let go of Skye. "I'm… I-I'm his boyfriend… nice to meet you, ma'am."

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The woman smiled brightly, "Oh my how sweet!" she said, fangirling over the two of them, causing Skye to blush darkly.


Lucas nodded and looked away, blushing more. He half wanted to mention them being soulmates, but decided against it.

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The woman smiled, "Hey you wouldn't happen to be looking for a job too wouldja?" she asked Lucas, "I caught my other cook stealing and had to fire him…"


"Oh! I-I could, I'm just… I mean, I can cook, I just don't know if I'm qualified or anything." Lucas quickly glanced at Skye, but soon turned back to the woman.

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"Could you work the till?" she asked hopefully, "It's simple, all you have to do is take orders, write 'em down, take the cash, and relay the orders to us, and make sure it gets to the right customer!"


Lucas nodded. "Sure, I could do something like that… shouldn't I do like, an interview or something, though?"

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"If your boyfriend trust you I'm willing to give you a shot, otherwise we're shorthanded with me and one inexperience employee… two newbies I can work with…" she said confidently.


This seems very informal, but whatever… "Alright… Hey Skye, do you trust me?" He grinned and looked up at the other.

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"With everything I have sweetie…" he said softly grinning like a goof.


"You're such a dork…" Lucas was still grinning, though. "I… I-I'll do it." He said to the woman.

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The woman smiled, handing them both aprons. "I'll show you the basics, then work with Skye in the back, alright? And as sweet as you two may be; there'll be no kissing in the kitchen!"


Lucas blushed a bit more. "N-No problem, ma'am… I'll be up front anyways, right?" I hope I still get to see him, though…

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She nodded, "By the way I'm Ruby" she said, "Welcome aboard boys!" she smiled brightly before directing Skye to some dirty dishes and leading Lucas up front to show him how to use the cash register.


Lucas learned pretty quickly, and he wore his hat tipped back on his head a bit so he wouldn't awkwardly crush his hair into his eyes. "So what should I say when people come in?"

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"Greet them politely and ask what you can get for them" she said simply, "and if things get busy taking care of drinks would also be another way to help out."


Lucas nodded. "Should I say my name? Like, 'Hi, welcome to restaurant name. I'm Lucas, how may I help you?'"