forum @Everwolf
Started by @Fraust

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"If you want, you could also just eliminate that part, either works." she said, "Either way I think you're set, so I'm gonna show Skye how to use the grill."


"Okay, thanks." Lucas tapped his fingers anxiously on the desk as he waited. (What's the restaurant name btw lol)

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(Rose's Grill? idk)
Rose quickly had Skye filled in too, and the day went by quickly after that.


Lucas did well enough at his job, although the amount of people was giving him bad anxiety. He did a pretty good job at hiding it, but that meant he was pretty close to a mental breakdown by the end of the day. He took off his hat and went into the kitchen, fanning himself with it in hopes that it would make him less lightheaded.

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Skye noticed this, but couldn't stop as he quickly motioned for Rose to take the till as another customer came in.


Lucas stood beside Skye and watched as the dining room filled up even more. He was trembling slightly and holding his breath because he really didn't want to panic at work like this, especially on his first day.

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Skye gently hugged him while flipping burgers, gently directing him to take care of the fries.


Lucas helped Skye with fries, carefully using breathing techniques he'd learned to try and calm down without drawing too much attention to himself. His face was very slightly flushed and he just generally seemed nervous.

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Skye relaxed as the other seemed to calm down, concentrating on filling orders.


Lucas continued helping Skye with simple things like fries and drinks and stuff until their shift was over. There wasn't too much longer in the shift anyways, but Lucas managed to hold himself together for the most part.

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Rose closed the shop, kind enough not to ask other than to suggest that Skye take the till tomorrow.


Lucas nodded and took Skye's hand again, waving goodbye to Rose as they walked out. His heart was still racing by now, but this could wait until they made it back 'home'.

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Skye gently kept an eye on him, not wanting to push it if he needed a moment, heading back to their hideout.


Lucas sat down once they made it back, hiding his face in his hands and exhaling shakily. Well, that could've gone better…


"A little nauseous and shaky, but otherwise okay…" Lucas leaned against Skye, moving his hand to be holding the other's.


"There was… t-there was a lot of people…" Lucas moved to Skye's lap, cuddling against the other.


"Yeah, kinda…" Lucas went paler and stumbled to his feet. "I'll… I'll be right back…" He went over to the nearest trash can and threw up, glad that no one was out at this time of day.

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Skye quickly got up and came over to him, grabbing his waterbottle in the prcess.