Revil had rummaged in his soaked pockets for his keys. Nothing. He cursed lightly and looked around. He probably dropped them while he was in the pipes, linching water. He sighed and dripped across the hall to Sky’s room and knocked, hoping she was home.
Skylar had her hair piled up on her head and was wearing sweats as he made herself something to eat. She groaned when she heard the door but quickly made her way over and opened it.
“Revil! Hey! Um, what can I do for you?” Skylar asked.
“I-uh…” He looked down at his wet self, feeling foolish. “Dropped my keys and lost them…” He trailed off, hoping she’d catch on.
“So… You need help getting in?” Skylar asked, tilting her head to the side
He nodded. “Yes, please. That’d be… most appreciated.”
“Um… Did you hide an extra key? I’m not really sure what you want me to do,” Skylar chuckled.
“Just like, call a locksmith? My extra key’s in my… apartment…”
“Okay. Sure. Yeah. Just let me call them quick. Do you, um, want to come in?” Skylar offered.
Revil smiled a bit. “If you’ll have me. Thank you so much.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem. Come on in!” Skylar said with a smile as she waved him in.
Revil scooted into her apartment, smiling shyly. “Thank you!”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Just, uh, make yourself at home, I guess, and I’ll go call,” Skylar said with a smile.
Revil smiled back and lingered near the door. “Thanks. I’ll be here.”
“No, really. Go sit on the couch or something,” Skylar insisted as she pulled her phone out.
“I’m soaked!” Revil protested, pointing at himself.
"Oh. Right. Um… Uh, okay. There is fine I guess," Skykar said awkwardly.
Revil nodded. “Okay. Thanks again.” He felt like he was thanking her too much.
"It's no problem," Skylar insisted with a smile before she started to back away. "I'll just be right back."
Revil nodded. “Okay. I’ll be here.” He shifted his weight around.
Skylar nodded at him before she headed off to make the call. A few min ties later she came back to Revil and smiled.
"They're on their way. Alls well."
Revil smiled. “Thank you. I didn’t want to sleep outside tonight.”
(Wait, when did you add the hat to your pfp?)
"Anytime," Skylar chuckled. "Would you like a towel to dry off at all?"
Revil shook his head. The last time he dried the water off he had gotten one of his headaches.
Skylar blinked a few times as she nodded slowly. "All right… So, would you line anything to eat or drink?"
Revil shook his head. “I can get something at home. I don't wanna intrude more than what I am.”