forum Emi! Come Hither! I Summon Thee!
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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@Imperfect_Autumn group


The voice disguiser had broken on Skylar’s suit, so when she was fighting Rush again a few weeks after their last battle she had to do it herself. Her voice was hoarse, now, so she hoped she wouldn’t have to explain it to anyone as she made her way down the hallway to her suite.

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(Lmao thanks)

Rush noticed the difference in her voice, but didn’t say anything. He had stopped causing mayhem and just started pillaging the water pipes and towers for their precious sources. It was after a failed attempt and he was soaked, as he dripped up the staircase to his apartment, panting after he ran home.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Skylar turned around as she heard footsteps behind her. They sounded soaked…

“Rivel? What… You’re soaked!” she exclaimed when she saw him, coughing to hide the hoarseness of her voice.

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Revil glanced up, sweeping wet hair out of his eyes. “Oh. I suppose I am. You sound tired.” His voice was strained and embarrassed.

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Revil winced at the turn of attention. “Er… yeah. I fell into the lake nearby when I was walking.”

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Lmao, no, there wasn’t. Revil had just seized the first chance he got.
“Yeah. It was… wet.”

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Revil nodded, feeling waterlogged and tired. “Well…” He finished as they reached their floor. “Have a nice night.”

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Revil nodded and started opening his door after finding his key. “Check if you have a cold. Your voice sounds like it hurts.”

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Revil pawed his cat back into his apartment and shut the door. He sighed down at his soaked clothes and pulled the water from the fabric with his magic.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Skylar went into her kitchen and made herself some tea. She wasn’t sick, she knew that, but the tea would soothe her sore throat.

Why was he so wet? And why didn’t he seem to care?

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The water flopped to the floor and soaked through the carpet instead of absorbing with his magic. He sighed at it, shook his head and went to go feed Rixi.

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Revil plopped down on the couch once he was finished and sighed deeply. He wondered why her voice was so hoarse. Maybe it was just a cold.