@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Gabe stood, taking his plate to the kitchen.
Gabe stood, taking his plate to the kitchen.
Alex kept picking at his food.
Gabe eventually came back, sitting down.
Alex looked over at him.
"How has the rest of your day been?" Gabe asked.
He shrugged. "It's…it's been alright I guess."
Gabe ran his fingers through his hair.
"That's good."
He smiled softly.
Gabe returned the smile, glad to see Alex have one.
Alex ate a little bit more, glancing over at Gabe again.
Gabe stretched a little, sighing. His day at work had been long, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to get to sleep. He'd probably be up all night thinking about Alex's… Abilities.
Alex set the plate aside, taking a deep breath. He shook his head a little bit.
Gabe seemed satisfied with how much Alex had ate now. He picked the plate up, going to put it away.
"Thank you," he said when he came back.
Alex nodded a little bit. "I… why are you thanking me?"
"Just because," Gabe said with a grin.
Alex looked at him. "Uhm… alright." He said slowly.
Gabe sat back down on the bed. It was getting late.
Alex lay down beside him after a bit, curling on his side.
Gabe pulled one of his few books to himself, reading. He lightly rested his hand on Alex.
Alex pulled the blankets up around his body, glancing up at Gabe for a moment.
Gabe looked over at Alex when he felt the other shifting around, giving him a small smile. He himself would be staying up for a while.
Alex closed his eyes, tired from seeing the ghost today.
Gabe read a bit more, but long after Alex fell asleep he was just sitting on the bed, thinking.
Alex kept sleeping, curled up on the bed with his brown hair spread messily over the pillows.
It wasn't until the earliest hours of the morning that Gabe laid down next to Alex. He was being careful not to wake Alex up.
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