@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Gabe continued softly, more focused on his tone and infliction then what he was actually saying.
"My mom would have loved you," he said, "she was like me. Always wanting to help everyone."
Gabe continued softly, more focused on his tone and infliction then what he was actually saying.
"My mom would have loved you," he said, "she was like me. Always wanting to help everyone."
He took a deep breath, still trying to calm down.
Gabe began rubbing Alex's back. By now, he was slowly looking for a subject that would catch Alex's attention, and get him to talk back.
Alex let out another little breath, clinging to Gabe and trying to calm down.
Gabe held Alex close.
"You know," he said quietly, "I really consider you my friend. I mean it. You're a wonderful person."
Alex looked up at him. "What?" He whispered. "But I-I'm…you…" He shook his head a little bit.
"What your are doesn't matter. It's what you do. And you've been a very nice person." Gabe gave Alex a small smile of reassurance.
Alex bit his lip. "But…" But I could kill you with a touch. Just a touch.
"You haven't done anything to hurt me," Gabe continued, "And you've been very sweet. I enjoy the time I spend with you." Gabe gave Alex a sweet look, still holding him close.
Alex blinked up at him. "I-I…you have?" he whispered, still curled up in Gabe's lap and wondering what that look was for, wondering what it meant.
"I really have," Gabe reassured. Gabe himself didn't really know why he was being so nice to Alex. He usually didn't get this involved with people he helped, let alone tell them they could stay for the rest of their lives, but it just felt right to do that with Alex.
(sorry for being so inactive, I had an eye appointment today. Idk how active I'll be tonight either, might be watching the second Hunger Games movie)
Alex leaned into him a little bit, letting out a breath. "I'm sorry I'm…I'm sorry I'm like this…" He said quietly.
(oof, okay then!)
"It's not your fault your like this," Gabe said. "And think about it. You're you because you're like this."
(I'll try to get on the computer tho)
"I liked me better before…" He trailed off, knowing Gabe knew what he meant.
"I understand," Gabe said softly, "But we can't change what happened."
Alex nodded a little bit, closing his eyes and staying curled up close to Gabe. "I know…"
"But, just because you're different doesn't mean you're not a good person." Gabe gently put his head on top of Alex's, smiling a little.
Alex shrugged a little bit, taking a deep breath. "I…" But I'm not… He swallowed, calming down a bit more.
"You've been a good person to me," Gabe said softly. He was relieved when Alex seemed to be less tense in his arms.
He shrugged slightly. "But not…not to everyone, I…" He bit his lip a little bit, closing his eyes.
"Then you must have your reasons," Gabe said in return. He was doing good best to make sure he let Alex know Gabe liked him how he was.
Alex bit his lip. "Not…not really…" He whispered softly.
"Any reason is still a reason. Even if it's just that you don't want to be." Gabe gently rubbed Alex's back with his thumb.
Alex swallowed softly. "I…okay." he replied quietly. He blinked as Gabe rubbed his back.
Gabe smiled a little at Alex.
"How are you feeling now?" He asked.
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