Alex closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and nodding faintly, hoping no one else sat down with him.
Alex closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and nodding faintly, hoping no one else sat down with him.
"You'll be okay, though," Gabe continued. He shifted out of Alex's lap to sit next to him.
Alex nodded again, curling up on himself a little bit.
Eventually, the train started moving. Thankfully, no one had sat with Alex.
"See?" Gabe said softly. "Things are already looking up."
Alex nodded faintly. "Mhm."
Gabe let out a soft sigh, watching the city go by from the window.
"I love you…" Alex really needed to stop answering, though, or people would think he's crazy.
Alex closed his eyes, leaning his head on the window and sighing faintly.
Gabe leaned his head gently on Alex's shoulder, rubbing had a bit.
Alex leaned into the touch faintly, trying not to seem too obvious about it.
Gabe continued to rub Alex's hand, letting out a soft sigh. Soon, the city had disappeared, and Gabe's life was truly gone.
Alex was quiet, watching out the window.
Gabe gently kissed Alex's cheek.
Alex smiled faintly at the kiss, but didn't open his eyes.
Gabe smiled softly, going back to resting his head on Alex's shoulder.
He didn't open his eyes, and stayed like he was.
(timeskip? And any drama that should happen on the train?)
(sure! Idk lol)
(aaaa, ideas)
(Train robbery)
(Someone sits with Alex)
(Henry followed them?)
(oh maybe?)
(Nah, I think we'll let Henry be lmao)
(it's send like a fun major thing to do down the rode lol)
(Ee, it'd be an easy thing to do right away)
(Thank God I hate that man)
(lol yeah)
Alex was left alone for some time, but the train pulled into another station soon enough. A woman made her way in, sitting next to Alex quietly. Gabe gasped, the woman passing right through him.
"It's a bit chilly in here," the woman commented, rubbing her arms.
Alex sat up, blinking at her in confusion. "I…I guess so…" He said slowly, unsure what she wanted from him.
Gabe got up quickly, shifting to Alex's lap.
The woman let out a breath, looking Alex over once.
"My name is Elizabeth. What is yours?"
"Alexander." He said slowly, adjusting his sleeves and biting his lip faintly.
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