@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(Ye, this is proabably my last response for the night)
"Sodomite," the woman growled. "I can fix you." She pushed him down on the seat, pinning him down by sitting on him.
(Ye, this is proabably my last response for the night)
"Sodomite," the woman growled. "I can fix you." She pushed him down on the seat, pinning him down by sitting on him.
"I don't need fixing!" he exclaimed, pushing at her. The restraint scars on his wrists were all too easily seen, but there we nothing he could do about it. "Stop!"
The woman ignored Alex's pleas, grabbing his wrists to force his hands up. She kissed him again, forcefully.
He flinched away, turning his head. "Stop." he said again. "Please."
The woman pulled back a moment, obviously displeased. She pulled away just a bit with one hand, moving it to start undressing herself.
Alex was trembling. He didn't know what to do. He was still pinned beneath her, and the door was locked. He could have used his power, but…no. No. He didn't want to kill another person. Not again. Not after what he had done to Gabe.
Finally, the woman released her dress, which slipped off of her chest. She grinned, pulling Alex's hand up to feel her again.
Alex cringed, closing his hand so that his palm was no longer open, closing his eyes. "Stop." he said again.
The woman was quiet a moment.
"I will if you touch me," she finally offered. "I won't do anything more, but you must touch me yourself." She offered her breasts to him, seeing if he would take the offer.
He peeked at her, biting down on his lower lip. "Why?" he asked quietly.
"Because," she said, "You can't get this with a man. Hold me, sodomite."
He glanced at Gabe for a second, then at the woman again, chewing on his lip uncertainly.
Gabe was shocked, and furious, at this woman. Still, what could he do? He moved to Alex's side, wrapping his arms around his shoulder. He didn't know what to say, just holding Alex tightly in comfort.
"Do it," the woman said darkly. "Or your pants are going off next."
Alex flinched at her words, hesitantly reaching out to put his hand where he had been told to.
(uh maybe you should flag the title with "mature" just to be on the safe side)
(Ah… yeah, that would be a good idea)
The woman closer her eyes a moment, leaning her chest into his touch.
"What do you think?" she asked, smirking a bit. She really did think the only reason people were sodomites was because they had never experienced a woman.
He bit his lip. "I think I still prefer men." he replied slowly, not looking at her.
The woman's eyes hardened.
"Am I not good enough for you?" She said, a dangerous edge to her voice.
"Lie," Gabe hissed softly.
He hunched his shoulders a little bit. "I-I, uhm…no…that's…that's not it."
"Then… how could you still want a man over me?" The woman's eyebrows drew together.
He didn't know what to do or say in response. "I-I…"
"Say you want both," Gabe said, knowing it was a lie. "Try to appease her." The woman was still sat on top of Alex.
"I…uhm…want both?" Alex said slowly, biting his lip again.
The woman pulled away a bit, dressing herself.
"What do you mean, how?" he asked, eyebrows pulling together a little. He grabbed his shirt from where she had tossed it, pulling it over his head.
"How could you want both? People only want one or the other, and even then it's just because they don't know the natural way." The woman dressed herself fully, sitting across from Alex.
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