forum Cloak and Dagger (O/O)
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Emmeline looked over at him, "Rest, that's what you can do. I don't want to have to help you back here again," She slowly scooted to the edge of her bed and hung her legs off the edge, swinging them absentmindedly. Her mind was at work already, planning how to make the garden and where everything would go.

Deleted user

"Well that was only because I came straight out of a transformation," He paced around. "If I just sleep in a few hours instead of trying to do something like I did, then I wouldn't be hungover like I was when we – wait….." He glanced around, a tad confused. "Since when did you 'help me back here'?" He asked, full of seriousness.


"Do you not remember? we were on our way to town and two bandits attacked us." She tilted her head to the side slightly and watched him with a confused look on her face. "You killed both of them with your dagger before getting really sick or something. Then I helped you back here before going to town and getting the supplies for the shed."

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He squinted at her. "….Really?" ….I can't trust myself with that kind of memory anyways…. "If you say so then." Although I do remember getting that damn hangover…. Miles went into the kitchen and saw the braces and nails that Emmiline said she got. Just to be safe, I should wait until tomorrow to do that. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to the stream for a soak." If there really isn't anything else to do….


She nodded "Ok, I'll find something to do for now, I'll probably go to the stream when you get back." Emmeline stood up slowly and stretched before walking to the kitchen and looking around for something to do.

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Miles saddled his dagger on his hip. "If I don't come back, come and look for me. I guess…" He went out and down to the stream, where it was a bit deep. He stripped down to his rags and took a dip. Holy cow…. I need this right now… Miles sank in until it was at least up to his mid chest, and sat back on the bank, relaxing.


"Will do," She said before he left, looking around the kitchen and shrugging lightly. She saw the bin of dirty dishes and Emmeline nodded to herself, figuring that washing them could give her something to do.

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Miles shifted around, but didn't move otherwise. I could use this kind of stuff…. He let his hands move among the water freely, brushing against tiny fish that ran by occasionally. He let his eyes close to breathe in the fresh air.


She set to work and started washing the dishes, singing a song to herself as she worked. It went quick and soon she was looking for something else to do, taking down the laundry from the other day and folding it. She set the clothes on Miles' bed and her old clothes on hers, taking a short break.

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Miles was resting a little. I should do this every day… He thought happily.

He hadn't realized how long it was since he took his first dip, and it was now dinner time…. But he had no idea.


Emmeline sighed when she realized he wasn't back yet. She shook her head and shrugged, heading outside and making her way towards the stream to see if he was still there. "Miles?" She called softly when she was a little ways away.

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Miles was slightly disturbed when she called his name, and he twisted around. "It's that late already?" He turned his body and stood up. "Well then…" Miles snatched his towel and dried himself off before wrapping it around his waist. "I suppose we should head back, right?"

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He grabbed his stuff and followed her. "What, you cold or something?" Miles headed back to the house, opening the door. "….Or are you just intimidated?" He rolled his shoulders.


She coughed and looked at the ground, feeling her face heat up "I'd rather not answer that.." She mumbled. The end of the woods was only a little ways away and she sped up, walking towards the house.

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"Awww, what's wrong?" He asked mockingly. "Is that blushing I see on your face?" I can do it to her if she did it to me… Miles pulled his towel up, as he noticed it began to slip a little.


"Shut up," she rubbed the back of her neck and blushed harder, trying her best not to smile. She coughed again and shook out her arms, standing up straighter and looking ahead of herself.

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They finally reached the house, and Miles came in after Emmiline. "Oh well," He shrugged, chuckling a bit. "A joke's a joke."
He headed into the bedroom and shut the door. He dried himself off and put some pants on before reopening it. "Anyways…. What sounds good to eat tonight?" I should make it up to her somehow…. She did to me, so I will to her… Maybe.


Emmeline shrugged "I was going to ask if you wanted me to make anything for dinner," she turned to face him, glancing around the kitchen before looking at him, the blush in her cheeks faint but still visible.

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"Oh. Well that's fine too. Maybe just soup would be fine." Miles took a deep breath and sat down in a chair in the kitchen. "I just figured you didn't know how to cook because you couldn't afford food to cook with in the first place…. But I'll let you give it a shot."


"I know the basics…well, some of the basics. Do you have a pot for the soup somewhere? And where do you keep the food?" She turned around and scanned the kitchen for anything that could be good in a soup along with a pot to cook it in.

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Miles heaved himself to his feet. "The pots are down here…." He reached down to a low cabinet and opened it up, pulling out a pot he used for soup a few days ago. "And the food is over here." He went over and pulled open some high cabinets. "Knock yourself out." Miles left her to do her thing and retired to his room, sitting on his bed and writing a few things in a blank book he made himself.


Emmeline smiled and put the pot over the fire to start heating. She dumped some water in it before starting to go through the cabinets, pulling out the things that she thought would taste good in the soup. She started adding things after chopping them up and washing some of the ingredients, adding some spices and nodding at the delicious smell of the soup.

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He finished up and took in a deep breath. Damn that smells good… Miles sat back and put his book upsidedown and open on his lap, deciding to stare at the ceiling. There isn't much to do when you have someone else doing it for you…. But that'll change when I begin building that shed I always wanted… Er… Needed…


"Now to wait," She said happily to herself, genuinely supprised that the soup had turned out good so far. Meme line sat down at the table in the kitchen and looked around, getting up to stir the soup every so often until it was ready. "Ok Miles, the soup is ready," she called to him, looking through the cabinets for some bowls.