forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral smiled softly as Simon leaned against him, starting to rub small circles against Simon's arm with his thumb. He looked content, head eventually resting on top of Simon's again.
Every time he moved, it wasn't hard to hear the sound of Mia and Leo shifting with him, clinking together.


Simon did his best to ignore the sound, and everything else really. As long as he focused on his book, he could pretend he was still in the library, with his friends. He’d pretend nothing had gone wrong and everyone was still safe. He’d continue to stay rather unresponsive like this as he read, ignoring anything that wasn’t important.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral spent most of the rest of the day like that, just holding Simon and giving him small gestures of affection. It had been a few hours of this before he moved, hand going to Simon's stomach. He smiled softly at the bulge, the area holding his very own flesh and blood child, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to it.


Simon tensed up just at Astral putting his hand on his stomach. And as soon as Astral kissed the small baby bump, Simon couldn’t help but flinch. His grip tightened on the book in his hands, trying to shut down everything bad he was feeling.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral ignored Simon's negative reactions for now. He started to hum, hand gently running over the baby bump as he sang for his child. There was so much love in his eyes, love for a child he should have never had. Not the way he did.


Simon forced himself to just ignore it all. Because as much as it hurt, it was also strange to see Astral like this. He didn’t have the desire to process all of that right now. Astral really had genuinely wanted a child. But he knew the second he showed that sympathy towards the god, it’d be used against him. There were so many other ways to get a child, and Astral had gone about it the wrong way.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

For Astral, this was the only way. He had tried so much else, had been confident it had worked so many times… he hadn't truly thought this would work either.
The god rubbed small circles against Simon's stomach, resting his forehead there and closing his eyes as he continued to sing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral raised his hands, cupping Simon's cheeks. There was something… different, in his gaze. It would be easy to write off as something left over from the affection for the baby.
"You're giving me something no one else has ever been able to…"


That’s exactly what Simon would dismiss it as. “I’m not giving it to you…you just took everything.” He said, knowing he was being colder than he should. But he was upset, and he couldn’t help it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The look was gone like that.
"If I had known it would work, perhaps I would have worked harder to get your permission." The god pulled his hands away, a faint scowl coming to his lips.
"But I didn't, now did I? Nothing else ever had, why would this?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral closed his eyes a moment to calm down.
"Just… be careful. I really am trying to be kind right now, Simon." Astral leaned over to gently kiss Simon's head, calmed for now.