forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Leo nuzzled close to Simon, hands coming up to gently hold Simon's shirt. He didn't want to be alone, even in sleep.
Mia watched them for a moment, tucking them in before turning to clean the room up some. She kept quiet, putting everything back into place from all of the walking around Astral did with the room.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Leo would be fine, too.
Mia was quiet as she cleaned, moving to put one of the very few things that had broken into the trash, she paused when she saw something at the bottom of it. Hadn't she taken care of the trash before Astral took them..?


She had, just not everything that was now in there. It was honestly surprising that the smell of death hadn’t begun to stink up the room. But Astral had probably designed it that way purposefully. Regardless, there was without a doubt a corpse in the bottom of the trash can.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia's hand went to her mouth, both to keep herself from making a sound and to keep the bile in her throat from coming out. She hesitated before bending lower, looking over the corpse. Well, at least now she knew Emile really hadn't been working with Astral… She glanced up at the two sleeping men before turning back to the trash. She hated it, but all she could do was put the trash she had collected in and pull the bag out. She gagged some, pulling it out of the room to the door. She opened it, pushing the bag out onto the table before closing the door quietly. Simon didn't need to see that.


Simon really didn’t need to see that. Even without his memories of who the man was, the sight would upset him greatly. Speaking of his memories, thankfully they were still safe despite having been with Emile when he died, the necklace that once contained them now nothing more than an ordinary pendant. Thank the gods for multiple copies.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hopefully Astral wouldn't try to put the body back into the room. Mia was quiet, thinking to herself. So, Emile really hadn't been the one to cause the breakdown Simon had had. So… what had? Why had it happened? She didn't understand, and it hurt her some to know that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It made Mia wish Simon hadn't gotten his memories back. The woman moved to lay down again, Leo between her and Simon as she gently wrapped her arms around the other two. She wanted to protect them so much…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Peaceful as the most they could ask for in this place. Mia ran her fingers through Simon's hair, closing her eyes. They wouldn't be bothered anymore, right? Astral had his fill for the day?


And they all knew just how much that would upset Simon. After all, he unfortunately cared deeply for his friends. Simon would stay asleep for awhile, his mind free of all the worries that haunted him in the day.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia woke up not long after, when she felt Simon moving. She ran her fingers through his hair, holding him close. Leo was still between them, and the man nuzzled into Simon's chest.


“I know. But it’s still a nice change. Just for a little bit.” He said quietly, wrapping his arms around his friend and letting out a long breath. A lot had happened to them in the past few days.