forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Simon stayed comfortably sitting on the couch, continuing to read. He was careful to not get too engrossed in it. Every once in awhile he checked in with Mia about the time, doing everything he could to make sure they wouldn’t be there too long. They’d been using this checking in system for about an hour and as it neared 4 o’clock, everything was going perfectly smoothly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was just finishing up in his workroom around four, wiping his hands off after setting the bucket down. He'd get the new shipment of soul substance sent out to Serna and Mother, and that would be it. He looked to the time, sighing some. He probably wouldn't be seeing Simon until dinner, which was a couple hours away…
Well, it usually was. What was stopping him from doing it right now? He wanted to see Simon, and it would be an excuse to get rid of two pesky souls who only seemed to get in his way.
So, instead of just waiting around like he had planned to, Astral made his way to the kitchen, humming to himself as he started to cook. He had just enough time to get the food on the table at four.


Simon instantly sat up, startled by Astral’s yell. “Already? Shit!” He got up quickly, managing to fit the book into his hoodie pocket. With his friends in his hands he did his best to run out of the library. But he quickly realized he wouldn’t be able to, running out of air within 30 seconds. He was doing his best to direct his thoughts at Astral, trying to let the god know he was on his way. But he didn’t know if he was listening. It’d take him at least five minutes to finally reach the kitchen, breathing heavily when he finally arrived.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Leo was awake by now as Simon tried to run to the kitchen, clinging to Mia.
"He… he did this on purpose," Mia said, doing her very best not to shake. Astral was going to punish them, somehow, she just knew it.
Astral looked up as Simon finally came in, going over to him and cupping his cheeks.
"Woah, there. You shouldn't be running." He moved one hand to Simon's chest, letting some of his power slip in to help Simon catch his breath.
"You're late," the god noted.


“W-what?” He stammered out in confusion, pulling the two of them closer to his chest. “I’m sorry that I was late but there’s nothing else I could’ve done. If I’d known we were eating so soon I would’ve been back sooner.” He protested.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You never checked to see what time dinner would be," Astral challenged. "You just assumed you knew. That's not my fault, now is it? I told you to be back for dinner, but you weren't. You were too eager to get away from me." Astral kept his hands right where they were.
"You don't want me to forcibly take them from you, Simon."
Leo was already shaking, hiding his face in Mia's shirt and looking like he was about to cry. Mia tried to be upset, but… she knew in the end, if Astral didn't want Simon to have them, he would come up with any excuse he needed to to get rid of them. So, she just gently ran her fingers through Leo's hair, working to help him calm down. She had been through so much… she would help Leo through this.


Simon hesitated but he knew the god would do exactly as he threatened. He gently handed them over to Astral, wanting to apologize to them but knowing better than to do so. He kept his eyes focused on the ground, trying not to cry as Astral took them.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked down at the two for a moment, one hand going over them. Leo's sobs could only be heard for a moment before being cut off. When Astral took his hand away, the two were trinkets, just like so many other faceless souls. At least it seemed they would be kept together, Mia still holding Leo.
Astral put the two in his pocket, cupping Simon's cheeks for a moment.
"Let's eat, hm?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You're welcome." Astral smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Simon's head before leading him over to the table. It was a simple enough meal, but it was clear it was healthy. Astral wanted to make sure the baby was getting everything they needed. He pulled Simon's seat out for him, as if he was some form of gentleman.
"Make sure to eat everything, dear."


Simon sat down with another quiet nod, trying to be on his best behavior so nothing else bad would happen. He was tired, and so afraid of what would become of his friends. Would he ever even get to see them again? He tried to push the thought away but it was persistent, like gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. He was absolutely miserable…but he couldn’t let it show.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral sat down next to Simon, starting to eat like nothing had happened. He didn't care about the two souls in his pocket- they were disposable at best, just things to make sure Simon didn't get too distressed. He'd give them back, after some alone time. He wanted time to… bond. Simon was either going to be with Astral and help raise this child as a couple, or be put away and replaced with someone more suitable for the job.


As long as Astral wasn’t talking to him, Simon let his mind wander during dinner as he ate. It helped distract from what he was eating and how much of it, and from anything else upsetting really. He finished what was on his plate, setting the fork down without a word.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral finished as well, picking Simon's plate up to put away. He hummed softly as he stepped back over, kissing the top of Simon's head before carefully picking him up.
"Thank you, dear."


Simon nodded in acknowledgment. “Y-You’re welcome.” He whispered. He of course didn’t want to be held but what choice did he have. He pulled the book out of his front pocket, holding it tight against his chest so it wouldn’t fall.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral didn't look like he had any intent to speak with Simon. He put one arm gently around the mortal, just resting there with him. He looked to be doing whatever he could to act like they were just a normal, loving couple.