forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I am," Mia said waving one hand slightly. "How are you doing..?" She didn't bother asking if he was okay. Even she could see he wasn't. He wouldn't be, until they could leave.


He shrugged. “Better now.” He was just glad Astral actually had put him back down when he did. “I still really don’t like all of that…” And by ‘all of that’ he just meant Astral touching him in general.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia closed her eyes. She hated this. She hated that they were literally trapped her, that they couldn't do anything at all. That they couldn't even talk to each other, or smile, without fear of Astral hurting them.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mhm…" Mia was quiet, for the moment still, eyes closing as Simon touched her hair. She wanted it all to be a dream, a horrible dream that lasted for too long. She wanted to wake up in her lover's arms, to be assured everything was okay. It wouldn't happen, though. Mia couldn't fall enough into the fantasy to believe it to be true. This was reality, and there was nothing they could do.


Simon hummed softly. “Okay then, let me think of one. A happy story. You probably already know this one but I’m gonna tell it anyway.” He settled down some. “Once upon a time…” he began.

Far away in the depths of hell, and probably a few hours later, Emile finally came to, filled with just as much rage as when he’d blacked out.
“Oh hey you’re awake.” Said a voice from somewhere next to him. Emile opened his eyes, another man looking over him. “You feeling okay? All shifted into your body and everything?”
“Greg get the hell out of my face.”
“Oh yeah you’re fine.” Greg moved out of Emile’s range in case the man actually was angry enough to hit him. “Anyway now that you’re back, I should go get Alec. Don’t go anywhere, okay?”
“Greg, I literally can’t feel my legs yet.” Emile replied, still very much in a bad mood.
“Then you shouldn’t have any problems staying put.” Greg snapped back with a grin.
Emile continued to glare at him until the other had exited the room. He then lay back down, letting out a long sigh, all that had happened still fresh on his mind. “Shit…”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia didn't mind if it was a story she already knew. She relaxed with Simon, listening without a sound.
Astral was asleep for several of those hours that passed, back to the room still. Eventually, though, he'd get up. He'd probably want to get Lily out of the lava and put her back on the table. It was no fun having this constant feeling of faint discomfort that was his body's translation of her being constantly burned by the lava.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia was asleep soon enough, towards the end of the story. She'd never been good at staying up for long, especially when she was resting with someone else on the bed. Her breathing slowed as she stayed cuddled with Simon, arms loosening some around his waist.


As much as Simon tried to convince himself he was fine, he wasn’t. He didn’t want to sleep in this room. He did actually try to fall asleep at one point but it was no use. He’d be lucky to get even two hours of sleep.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was up first. He moved to sit up, looking down at the three in the room. He moved a hand to his chin, thinking. What should he do to them now? He was bored.
Well, he could always make breakfast for them, if he was feeling generous.