forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It didn't much matter where Emile went, in the end. Astral hummed as he came to the room he was looking for. He opened the door, walking to the fountain in the middle. He kicked the edge with his foot, the fountain lifting up to reveal… what could only be described as a map of the palace. Astral hummed, looking over it before he spotted Emile. He grabbed two dividers, slipping them a few of his own inches in front of and behind Emile.
For Emile, it would look like two massive walls had just dropped from the ceiling, trapping him.


((Well that certainly does not spark joy ;-;))

“What the hell?!” He stumbled back a step, one hand protectively going to cover the kid in his pocket. This was definitely not going to be good. He looked around, now that he was most definitely trapped, seeing what was going to come at him next.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral tapped his chin for a moment, before reaching in and picking up the section of hall Emile was in. He hummed some, thinking now that he held Emile literally in his hands. Hey, he wasn' t touching the other! Even if he was a bit jostled.


((Lily’s gonna be exposed to probably too many curse words in the next few minutes, I’m sorry little one ;w;))
((Also wow look at Astral not violating the contract but still finding a way to be a little bitch XD))

“Jesus- what the fuck!” So he was not having a great time right now. He tried to steady himself, mentally cursing the god for pulling a stunt like this. This information was helpful though, even if it made things that much worse. So Astral could literally control the whole palace if he wanted to, well that was just lovely.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(It's okay she's been through worse ;w;)
(Yeeee Astral's an Ass)

Astral tilted the room some as he thought of what to do to Emile, one hand on his chin. He eventually sat the hall section down on the edge of the fountain, moving to the side to pull his tools out. He pulled one out in particular, pressing it up against one of the barriers he had put in place. A hole opened, for Emile looking like a gaping black hole.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It was, indeed. Astral chuckled some to himself. It really was a life or death situation, in the end. It took a moment, but…
Ah shit, that was very not good. Something came slowly pouring from the hole, something that was white-hot, extremely thick, and came usually came from volcanoes.


Emile groaned, very much wishing he could’ve stayed dead the first time around right now. Instead of a soon to be crispy French boy who’d be dying for the hundredth time. “You’ve got to be kidding me right now!!” He yelled up at the ceiling.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral just laughed, the sound ringing through the hall. Lily was trembling, looking up at Emile.
"W-What's happening..?" She asked, voice so soft. If Astral was listening, she didn't want him to find her.


Emile put a hand over his pocket gently, a small sign for her to quiet down. While he was technically a spirit in this form, it wasn’t enough to stop him from dying in this. “You’re not seriously gonna burn me alive are you?” He called out, trying to stay somewhat calm.


“Didn’t you want me to actually help or some shit? I can’t do that if you send me back where I’m supposed to be.” He tried to reason. But at this point he’d kind of just accepted that he would be dying again shortly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mm… I've decided I don't want your help anymore. What can I say? Messing with Simon is a lot of fun." Astral hummed some, still pushing the lava into the section of the hall.


“You really are a fucking psychopath aren’t you!” He yelled back in frustration, his eyes scanning the room for any chance of escape. He had his knives but those definitely wouldn’t help against the lava. But maybe he could find some way to break the barriers?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Never denied it." There was a way to escape, of course. Astral always built one in, for the fun of it. All Emile had to do was find it before the lava burned him alive. Lily was trembling, of course. If Emile died, would she die too? Would she go back to Astral?


Emile pulled one of his daggers out. “Sorry if I break you trying to get out of here, but I really don’t feel like getting cooked today.” He said to it before trying to see if he could get out that way, testing the corners of the makeshift room with the blade, driving it into the wall.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(It's different for everyone, so you can decide something that would be fitting aha)
(Though I will handle what Emile sees when he does get out uwu)

Astral watched, head in his hand still. He gave the container he was holding a bit more of a squeeze, more lava coming out into the room. It was slow-moving, thankfully, but the heat radiating off of it might just cook Emile and Lily before it reached them.


((Aaaaaaa okay I’ll try and think up some stuff real quick))

The good news was the blade didn’t break on first impact. So he had somewhat of a chance. It made a mark but he wasn’t sure if it would be enough. He left the blade there a moment, looking around the room again to see if there was anything he had missed.