forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“Mhm!” He’d figured she wouldn’t be used to that, despite how little he knew about Astral. “Now we’re gonna have to be more careful this time when we go to get food because I don’t know who all is going to be awake.”


Emile nodded, smiling softly in relief. “That’s good then. I’m gonna go quiet for a bit now, just to be careful.” He said, indeed quieting down after that, not wanting to risk them getting in trouble.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily nodded, falling quiet herself. She rested her head on the picture, rubbing at her eyes. This was nice, even if she had to be quiet. She'd done it for years, she could do it now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

That was a good thing. Mia wasn't anywhere close to getting up, and it seemed no one was at all who was in the room currently. Astral was occupied with himself, so there wasn't much to learn.
Well, there was the bits of blood on the wall and floor where Mia had been beaten.


Emile was probably just going to grab some food for the two of them and then take it on their walk. He hadn’t really seen much of Astral today, and it made him feel on edge. He opened up the cabinet, grabbing some crackers like earlier.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

( :') )
(You're going to get to see a feature of the palace I haven't told you about yet :DD)

Astral stretched, closing his eyes for a moment before walking out of the living room to one of the halls. He hummed some as he went, fingers trailing over the edge of the shelves he past, rattling the trinkets there.


((Well that’s terrifying :’) ))

Emile possibly heard a disturbance but it was far enough away that he wasn’t worried right now. He sped up his walking pace just a bit though. They were almost back to the library.