"Not my apartment! Probably your place.", he said between breaths. He looked over to see how she was doing.
"Not my apartment! Probably your place.", he said between breaths. He looked over to see how she was doing.
"Why not your apartment?" she asked, keeping up quite well actually.
"I can't lose you again.", he mumbled. Then to change the subject he said, "That's a cute bird.". He pointed to a bird perched on a tree branch.
She nodded and grinned. "It is."
August ran closer to the bird and it instantly flew away. "Dang it."
She giggled. "You scared it."
"I think you scared it!" He smiled. Just like old times.
"It flew away from you, though. Not me."
"Technically it flew away from both of us. It's further away from us both.", he giggled, aware he would annoy her. He picked a park bench and sat down.
"But you startled it. You made it fly away," she pointed out, continuing the argument.
"How do you know I was the one who startled it?", he said challengingly. He loved to argue with her about the stupidest things.
"Because you ran right at it!"
"Well you were there too! It was probably scared of you!", he laughed.
"I didn't run at it! You did!" she argued.
"It liked me though!",, he said, eyebrows raised.
"If it did, it would've come down to your finger and sang for you!"
"Well if you hadn't scared it off it would!", he said competitively.
(This pretty much sums up me and my friends XD)
(XD I like to think I'm pretty good at arguing, so this is actually fun. Is that a weird thing?)
"I didn't!"
(That's not weird at all! I love arguing and like to think I'm good at it too.)
"Then why'd it fly off, huh?" At this point it was hard to contain his laughter.
"BECAUSE YOU RAN AT IT!" she yelled, then dissolved into giggles.
"I WAS SAYING HELLO!", he yelled back, infused with giggling.
She leaned her head back and laughed.
"What's wrong with that?!", he exclaimed through intense laughing.
She could hardly answer. "You don't speak bird!"
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