What did she say?
Do you want more dog pictures to make you feel better?
That was about the best Rowan could do considering how shit he was at comforting people. He took a few more pictures of himself with Milo just in case.
What did she say?
Do you want more dog pictures to make you feel better?
That was about the best Rowan could do considering how shit he was at comforting people. He took a few more pictures of himself with Milo just in case.
yea man
idk wtf is in those pics but man those help
Damien was curled up on top of his sheets, trying to figure out how to put all of this without making himself feel any shittier.
just weird offhand dysphoria inducing shit
idk i might just be being weird abt it
You're not being weird about it Damien.
Rowan sent a couple of the better pictures, one of which he had his cheek pressed up against Milo's with a peace sign held in front of their faces.
That's a dick move on her part.
What did she say?
If you don't wanna talk about it that's fine
oh my cat just came in if u wanna see her
He scooped up Ginger, one of the sleekest cats he’d ever seen, setting her down on his gut.
yea lmao she just keeps sending me like? dresses and skirts and shit and keeps telling me how pretty id look
He scratched under Ginger’s chin as he texted.
sends me a ton of shit meant 4 girls
Why would she do that?? Like, that's absolutely a dick move
I don't blame you for being upset
Rowan hugged Milo a bit tighter as he texted, his heart aching for Damien.
And ofc I wanna see Ginger
yea its gross
anyway heres the gal tho
He sent Rowan a picture of him and Ginger, though the cat was halfway through getting up at the time, meaning the picture was blurry and looked more than a little cursed.
shit she wont sit still
Rowan chuckled softly, admiring the blurry, cursed picture.
You and I should go shopping sometime
Get you some thicc hoodies so I can steal them from you
hell yea boii
Damien finally managed to wrangle Ginger back into a hug, sending Rowan another selfie- this one was still kind of blurry, but Damien was giving the camera a thumbs up and Ginger was just about ready to bite it off.
i got a better picture but she might kill me
Aww bby
Milo would never bite me
Rowan sent Damien another picture of himself cuddling with Milo.
He's makin me feel better
yea but thats bc milo is an angel and ginger wants me dead
He grinned at the photo, tugging one of his blankets over himself and the cat. She was surprisingly alright with this.
can u tell him hes a good boy 4 me
"You're such a good boiiii." Rowan scratched behind Milo's ears, making the dog whine happily.
I told him
He seems happy
Rowan sighed and stared at the pictures Damien had sent him, trying to ignore the strange feelings that arose when he did.
he earned it
Damien could feel his cheeks blush at least a little but when he looked at the pictures. He knew this feeling all too well, and it sucked- it was a classic. He always joked about falling for a straight guy but now that he did, god, it wasn’t that funny anymore.
My leg hurts
Rowan pulled Milo closer and kept petting him, searching for comfort. His parents were either not home or were ignoring him at the moment.
shit bro im sorry
do u want some space rn or do you mind if i come over
He sat up, running his fingers through his hair.
You can come over if you want
I'm home alone babe ;)
I think so, anyways
Rowan sighed softly, feeling hopelessly lonely even though he knew Damien was coming to visit him.
idk i dont really think ur parents even notice when im there anyway
Damien stood up, kissing Ginger goodbye on the top of her fuzzy head. He slipped his shoes back on, heading out the door as he let his parents know where he was going.
They don't notice when I'm here either
Or when I break my fuckin leg
Rowan stroked Milo's side again, trying to make himself feel better. Damien will help…
See u soon babe <3333
Damien didn’t bother knocking. It was something that he did with most of his friends, given that he spent so much time at other people’s houses. He didn’t check if Rowan’s parents were there, he just went to his friend’s room. “Honey, I’m home!” Damien slipped into Rowan’s room.
"Hey, Damien…" Rowan looked up from the bed. Milo barked softly, but didn't leave Rowan's side. "How's it going?" He asked.
“Eh. You?” Damien sat down on the bed next to him, lightly petting Milo’s fluffy neck.
"Pretty shit… not having the pain drugs in my system is taking a toll on me…" Rowan huddled a little closer to Milo, sighing softly.
“God, yeah, I forgot about that.” Damien grimaced. “Least you got Milo here to keep you company.” He laughed softly, trying to think of ways to break the tension.
"Mhmm. I think he knows I feel like shit and he wants to stick around." Rowan smiled weakly and pet Milo again. "Thanks for coming to visit me."
“It’s nothin’, man. I think it’s good for both of us, y’know?” Damien shrugged. “Plus, I felt kinda bad about being kinda pissy in the car ride back, sorry about that.”
"It's fine… don't worry about it. I was just worried I'd upset you or something." Rowan wad quiet for a few seconds. "Wanna watch a movie?"
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