“Well, you didn’t, so you don’t gotta worry about that.” Damien cocked his head at the question. “Uhh- yeah, sure! What’re you thinkin’ we watch?”
“Well, you didn’t, so you don’t gotta worry about that.” Damien cocked his head at the question. “Uhh- yeah, sure! What’re you thinkin’ we watch?”
"Pretty much anything is fine with me." Rowan swung his legs over the side of his bed and grabbed his crutches, heaving himself up with some difficulty.
“..Damn, same here- do you need help?” Damien watched Rowan move with a little concern, still worried about his fall that morning.
"Maybe… I think I'm okay right now, I'm just worried about the stairs." Rowan sighed and slowly made his way towards the door, Milo following him and whining worriedly.
“Sure. If you do need any help, though, I can try.” Damien offered, patting Milo on the head as they both trailed behind Rowan.
Rowan nodded and very slowly went down a couple steps before one of his crutches slipped. He fell, thankfully backwards and not forwards, and groaned in pain as the offending crutch clattered down the wooden staircase and finally landed at the bottom.
Damien flinched at the sound of the slipping crutch, but quickly hustled forward to meet Rowan on the stairs. “Oh, fuck, Ro- did you hit your head? Are you okay?” He tried to help him the best he could, but wasn’t sure if helping him up was the smartest idea right now.
"Y-Yeah, I… I'm fine, just gimme a sec…" Rowan closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to get the spinning and nausea to go away. "M'head is all fucky…" He mumbled.
“Figures.. geez, you fell hard.” Damien had a hand on his own heart, trying to get it to slow down. “Lemme know when you’re ready to get up, okay?”
"I don't think it's smart for me to stand on the stairs again… I think I'll just…" He slowly moved himself down a step, supporting himself with his arms. His head was still fucking with him, but he couldn't just stay on the stairs forever.
“Oh, shit, true.” Damien watched Rowan move, his arm gently blocking Milo from going down the stairs further in case he accidentally knocked into or bumped Rowan. The other arm, on the other hand, was used to pet the dog in an attempt to placate him. “That’s.. a smart idea.”
Milo was still whining and pacing anxiously, clearly not liking to watch Rowan suffer like this. After several minutes, Rowan eventually made it to the bottom of the stairs and leaned against the wall, exhausted. "I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight…"
“..Yeah. Yeah, that’s probably the best idea- hey, do you think it’s okay if I let Milo go?” Damien beckoned with his head to the anxious dog. “Do you think he’ll be okay coming down the stairs?”
"Yeah, c'mere, Mi." Rowan whistled weakly and Milo came running, immediately laying beside Rowan and placing his head in the boy's lap to comfort him, still whining quietly. "I'm okay, bud. I'm fine." Rowan said softly, carding his fingers through Milo's fur.
Damien followed carefully after, minding the handrail and watching where he stepped. He sat on the step above Rowan, tugging on the collar of his shirt. He watched Milo and Rowan, his heart fluttering a little in his chest- which he cursed himself for. It was an awful time for that.
"Can you help me up, Damien?" Rowan asked, struggling to reach his crutches. Even with them, he knew he wouldn't be able to get up from the ground. Milo watched him nervously from where he lay.
Damien blinked at the request, snapped out of his little world. “Oh- yeah, I can, one second.” He stepped around Milo, crouching down to help pick Rowan up.
Rowan tried to help Damien out by utilizing his good leg, which did some. He leaned against the wall while Damien retrieved his crutches and thanked him quietly when they were returned to him.
“No problem. Do you think you can walk..?” Damien glanced at Rowan, and then Milo, and the. back at Rowan. He clasped his hands behind his neck.
"I'll sure fuckin' try." Rowan started heading over to the living room. Milo tailed him closely, but was careful to not be in the way.
“..That works.” Damien followed after Rowan, hands still interlaced behind his head. He watched Rowan’s steps carefully, genuinely worried that he would fall again and hurt himself further.
Rowan managed to make it to the couch without collapsing and sat down with a relieved sigh. Milo hopped up to sit beside him, still seeming worried about Rowan's wellbeing.
Damien sat down as well, beginning to pet Milo. “Do you still wanna watch somethin’, or are we past that by now? I’m good with either thing, I’m just curious.”
"Yeah, I'm fine to watch something…" Rowan grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. "Got anything in mind?"
“Not really. You know I’ll watch pretty much anything.” Damien shrugged, ruffling up his hair.
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