Rowan slept peacefully through the rest of the night, finding Damien far more comfortable than the cot he'd been in before. He was still fast asleep when Damien awoke.
Rowan slept peacefully through the rest of the night, finding Damien far more comfortable than the cot he'd been in before. He was still fast asleep when Damien awoke.
Damien blinked at the sudden light streaming out of the blinds. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and he would’ve forgotten that Rowan was on his chest if it weren’t for the fact that when he awoke, Damien found that his head was actually resting in the crook of Rowan’s neck while he slept.
Rowan huddled a little closer to Damien in his sleep, seeming pretty comfortable and content for now. However, after his little fiasco last night, there was no telling whether his peaceful demeanor would last.
Damien swallowed a little nervously, remembering the night’s.. ordeal and praying that it was just a one-time thing. His eyes trailed over to the cast on his leg- Rowan had collapsed, he put a lot of stress on that leg. Would it still be alright?
Rowan awoke a few minutes later and noticed the position he was in. He blushed and pulled away, apologizing quickly and wincing when he leaned back against his injured leg.
“Don’t be sorry, dude, it’s fine. Uh- oh, Ro, you gotta be careful, hey..” Damien held his shoulder, bringing Rowan forward a little bit so that he wasn’t putting weight on his leg. “Are you okay?”
"Y-Yeah, sorry…" Rowan tried to move his leg a bit so it wouldn't hurt him as much. Without the IV in, he was in considerably more pain.
“It’s okay, I’m just kinda worried, y’know?” Damien frowned, adjusting himself so that Rowan could be more comfortable.
"Why are you worried?" Rowan asked, though he thought he already knew the answer. He didn't remember everything from last night, but he remembered enough to know why Damien would be concerned.
“Everything that happened last night. Your fracture, the concussion, the way you acted when the nurses came up to you- you were crying, Ro, I barely ever see you that bad. You weren’t that freaked earlier, so what clicked?”
"Um…" Rowan fidgeted nervously and looked away. "W-Well, when I was a kid, I had to get my appendix removed… all I remember is being pricked by several different needles, given the gas, and still being awake when they made the first cut. They realized it, gave me another shot, and the next thing I knew, I had been in a coma for three weeks. I-I don't know what went wrong, but now I'm terrified of it happening again. I… I-I don't want them to cut me again, Damien, I… I c-can't do that again…" He was starting to get worked up again, his vision going in and out of focus.
“Woah- hey, Ro, hey, man. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Damien put his hands on his shoulders again to steady him. “Take a deep breath, you’re okay. I know it’s scary, and that musta been fuckin’ awful, but don’t think they’re gonna have to cut you for this. They don’t even need to put you under, I promise. That IV drip isn’t anesthesia, I promise.” He sat up further, no longer leaning on the chair.
"But they gave me the sleep shot… I-I don't like them having control over whether I'm awake or not, Damien. That's fucking terrifying. Why does no one else seem to be unsettled by this??" Rowan held onto Damien's hands again, trying to ground himself.
“I understand, Ro, I really do. I don’t know what you want me to do, though. I’m fuckin’ 17, man, I can’t just tell all these people not to do their job. I get that it’s unsettling, just thinking about it makes my skin crawl, but what am I supposed to do about it?” Damien gave Rowan’s hands a small squeeze at the end for emphasis, mainly just to show that he was done talking.
"I dunno, I just… I c-can't stop myself from being afraid, and it's driving me insane… I'm stuck here whether I like it or not, at the mercy of other people who could easily kill me with their numerous 'medical instruments', I… I just feel this overwhelming feeling of dread and it only gets worse while I'm here."
Damien cupped Rowan’s face in his hands. “Look at me, bro. I know that it’s scary as fuck to be here. Hell, I’m scared to be here. But we’re here all the same, and the doctor said that you might be able to leave today, and you just gotta grin and bear it because fuck, dude, we’re okay.”
Rowan whimpered quietly and nodded in resignation. "If it gets me out of this hellhole quicker, I'll try my best." The doctor came in a few minutes later and had Rowan sign a bunch of papers, which he did, but not without complaining a lot to Damien when the doctor left the room. "Is your dad almost here?" He asked.
“He should be, yeah. Texted him last night ‘n he said he’d show. I’d say give him another half-hour?” Damien shrugged, tucking his jacket back around Rowan. “I meant to check on the other guys, but I forgot, ha. I’ll text ‘em once we’re on our way back, I guess.”
Rowan nodded and set the papers down beside him in favor of moving closer to Damien again. He was finished with the papers, anyways, and this felt strangely nice. Weird thoughts, but I can ignore those…
(hey, i meant to put this in his template, but are you alright with damien being trans? he would’ve transitioned pretty early, but i just wanted to clear it with you!)
Damien picked up his phone from the chair behind him and draped his arms over Rowan’s shoulders, checking to see if he had any texts from his dad yet. “God, I can’t wait to get outta here.” He laughed a little, looking around the room.
(Yeah, that's fine ^^)
"Yeah, same…" The doctor came in to take the papers and promptly left again. Several minutes later, a nurse brought in crutches, asked Rowan how tall he was, and adjusted the crutches to his height.
(alright, thanks!)
Damien scooted away from the nurse, trying to give her some space. His dad would be there in about fifteen minutes, according to his texts, and he told Rowan the same once the nurse had left.
"Alright… I should probably practice using these things." Rowan reluctantly got out of Damien's lap and tucked the crutches under his arms. He pushed himself up, then forward… and then immediately fell to the ground, his crutches clattering on the cold tiles.
“Oh, shit-!” Damien scrambled to his feet, trying to help Rowan up. “Oh my god, dude, are you okay? Fuck, that sounded nasty!”
"Yeah, yeah… I'm fine…" Rowan winced a bit, rubbing his now-sore elbows. "I'm just a stupid fuckin' clutz, no big deal…"
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