“Ro, look at me. In the eyes.” Damien tapped the floor to get his attention. “They won’t try to kill you, I promise. You won’t die.” He sat cross-legged on the sterile linoleum. “Got it? You’re completely safe.”
“Ro, look at me. In the eyes.” Damien tapped the floor to get his attention. “They won’t try to kill you, I promise. You won’t die.” He sat cross-legged on the sterile linoleum. “Got it? You’re completely safe.”
"H-How do you know?" Rowan kept rubbing at his teary eyes and shying away from Damien. "They could do it… they've got more than enough shit in this place to kill a person, and no one would even fucking know."
“I wouldn’t let them. Trust me on this, okay Ro? You’re gonna be a-okay.” Damien held out his hand tentatively for Rowan to hold onto if he wanted. “And if I have to put it this way- if they were gonna kill anyone, why would it be you? You’re a great kid, man, you haven’t done jack shit to make them wanna kill you.”
Rowan clung tightly to Damien's hand, his own hand trembling violently. "I-I dunno, but they tried to do it before, and maybe they're gonna do it again… What if they don't fail this time? What if I don't wake up?"
“Can you come out? I won’t bring them back in here until you’re ready.” Damien reassured. He took in the information quietly, trying to think about how to word his statements. “You know what? You’re strong, okay? You’ve been through a lot of tough shit, but you’re still here. You’re gonna wake up, Ro. Believe me, you are.”
Rowan hesitantly came out from under the cot and latched onto Damien. He had his arms around Damien's back and his legs around his waist, his violent trembling making the other shake as well. He buried his face in Damien's shoulder. "I-I don't want them to come back…" He whispered.
Damien held Rowan close, taking a moment to stroke his hair. “What if.. hm. What if I ask them if there’s a way to not use the syringe?” He asked softly, head leaning to one side so that Rowan had more space. “Does that sound okay?”
"M-Maybe, I dunno…" Rowan's voice was a bit muffled from his face being hidden, but he was still intelligible. Honestly, he just wanted to go home and forget about all this shit. Being here was driving him mad.
“I know you probably don’t even wanna be here- and I don’t blame you- but the sooner we can get you squared away, the sooner you can go home.” Damien ruffled up Rowan’s hair, smoothing it back to normal. “Yeah?”
Rowan nodded reluctantly, though he did seem to relax some when Damien played with his hair. "Yeah…"
“Alright. Do you want to wait a moment, or is it okay if I bring the nurses in now?” Damien continued to play with his hair once he saw Rowan’s reaction to it.
"I guess you can bring them in…" Rowan melted into Damien's touch and loosened his grip a bit. "What're they trying to give me, anyway?"
Damien took a small breath. “If I’m bein’ honest, I dunno, really. I know it’s safe, but that’s about it for me.”
Rowan nodded again, reluctantly agreeing to let the nurses come back in. He kept his face hidden in Damien's shoulder when they came back in.
“Can I move you back up to the bed, or do you want me to sit up there with you?” Damien asked softly, giving the nurses a tiny wave.
Rowan shook his head and clung tighter to Damien, silently telling him that he was not willing to move. One of the nurses gently grabbed his arm and tried to pull it away from Damien, but Rowan moved it right back.
“It’ll only take a second, Ro. Can she have your arm for just a moment?” He asked softly, giving the nurse an apologetic glance and running his fingers through Rowan’s hair.
Rowan reluctantly allowed the nurse to take his arm, noticeably trembling. When she stuck the needle into his vein, he tensed up and clung tighter to Damien with the arm not being stabbed.
“There you go…” Damien let Rowan cling tighter, fingers still in his fluffy hair. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Rowan whined softly and hid his face again, clearly unhappy. The nurses quietly retreated and left the boys alone.
“I know it couldn’t’ve been fun.. how are you feeling, though? Are you feeling okay?” Damien reached up, picking his jacket off of the hospital bed. “Are you still cold?”
Rowan just nodded and pulled on the jacket before huddling up against Damien again. He wasn't willing to talk yet.
Damien draped the jacket over Rowan, falling silent and letting the other boy calm down. He still held him closely, his hand still in Rowan’s hair- chances were, he would keep it there until Rowan showed some sign of wanting him to move.
After several minutes, the medicine began to take effect, and Rowan dozed off in Damien's arms. He was weak and tired, but he stopped shaking when he fell asleep.
Damien wasn’t quite sure what to do with the sleeping boy in his arms. He could’ve put him in the bed, but lord knows that Damien was too weak at the moment to lift up Rowan, especially while he was asleep. And so he decided to sit and stay, leaning against one of the chairs, trying to doze off himself.
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