(It's probably around 8ish pm by now?)
"Hell if I know." Rowan sighed and curled into the pathetic excuse for a sheet that was on his cot. "This is gonna be fun…"
(It's probably around 8ish pm by now?)
"Hell if I know." Rowan sighed and curled into the pathetic excuse for a sheet that was on his cot. "This is gonna be fun…"
(alright, good to know!)
“Almost 8:15. Damn, felt later than that.” Damien sighed, watching Rowan curl up. “I’m serious man, do you want this?” He offered up his jacket. It may have been mostly denim, but the thing was surprisingly warm.
"Are you sure? Won't you get cold?" Rowan asked. He was already shivering a bit and was clearly uncomfortable.
“I have long sleeves on, it’ll be alright.” Damien reassured him, already handing off the jacket. “It’s no big deal.”
"Thanks, Damien…" Rowan wrapped the jacket around himself and curled up into a tight ball, still shivering. He closed his eyes, figuring this hell would be more manageable if he were asleep.
Damien nodded, turning his phone back on. He tried to stay awake just in case a doctor came in. Looking over at Rowan every once in a while, Damien was still confused- he would be concerned if any of his friends were this hurt. So why did it feel different with Rowan?
Rowan eventually managed to drift off to sleep, breathing easier when he not longer had to deal with his pain. He still shivered in his sleep, but he seemed to be more stable. Eventually, the doctor came back into the room.
Damien looked up at the sound of the door creaking open. He gave the doctor a small, yet polite, wave and an even smaller smile. “This might not be the best time to ask, but Rowan wants to know when he can go home.”
"Probably tomorrow. He said his parents are very busy on a work trip, so he will need other arrangements to get home." He checked Rowan's vitals and the state of his IV. "Does he seem to be recovering to you? Emotionally, that is?"
“I think my dad might try to pick us up.” Damien nodded. “I think so. I mean, he can form full and coherent sentences.. that’s at least better than he was an hour ago.”
The doctor nodded. "That's a good sign, yes. If he still wasn't speaking properly by now, we'd have to worry about serious brain damage. Press the call button if anything changes, alright?" And with that, the doctor left the room again.
“Uh- yeah- fuck, where’s the fuckin’ call button?” Damien mumbled, looking around the room. He gave up after a few more seconds of searching. Damien checked his phone. 8:45. Fuck. Time was ticking by slowly, it seemed. Damien shut his eyes, trying to fall asleep to pass the time.
Rowan awoke around midnight, not quite processing where he was. All he could think about was that he was cold, in an unfamiliar place that was dark, there was a needle in his arm, and his leg really hurt. He panicked and tried to get out of the bed, immediately collapsing due to his broken leg and tearing out his IV in the process.
(Usually call buttons are the the railing of cots I think?)
(I think so too, but Damien wasn’t wanting to actually look at the time)
Damien was startled awake by the noise, immediately jumping up to meet Rowan. He held him by the shoulders, tryin to steady the other boy. “Woah, hey- hey, Ro, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
"W-Where am I?!" Rowan pressed himself up against the cot, his arm bleeding where he'd torn out the needle. His eyes were wide with fear, and he still hadn't figured out what was going on. "What did they do to me?!"
“Hey, take a deep breath, you’re okay. You’re in the hospital, remember? You had that nasty fall and fractured part of your leg.” Damien said gently, trying to coax Rowan to lay back down. “You’re alright, but you need to rest.”
Rowan whimpered weakly and clung to Damien for dear life. "P-Please don't let them cut me open… please…I don't wanna die…" He was hyperventilating by now and becoming steadily less coherent in his fearful rambling.
“Hey, woah, fuck- Ro, buddy, they’re not gonna- you’re okay, man.” Damien was a little taken aback by the request, but he looked the bed up and down to find the call button. As he searched, Rowan still spoke in that soft, soothing tone, trying to bring Ro down. “You’re not gonna die, kid.” He finally found the button, pressing it quickly.
A nurse came into the room a minute later with a syringe with some liquid that would supposedly sedate Rowan and calm him down. However, when she approached him with it, he panicked further and retreated under the cot, refusing vehemently to come out.
Damien frowned, crouching down to try and coax him out from underneath the cot. “Fuck, Ro, man, what’s wrong? You can come out, I promise it’s okay, dude. Nobody here wants to hurt you.”
"Nooooo! She's gonna stab me!" Rowan pressed himself up against the wall so Damien couldn't grab him. "I don't wanna die!" The nurse called for backup, not quite sure what to do.
“She’s- she’s not gonna stab ya, Ro. Look at me. You’re safe.” Damien looked back apologetically at the nurse, then back to Rowan. “Why do you think you’re gonna die?”
"Because she's gonna stab me with the needle and it's gonna kill me!" Rowan rubbed at his eyes, apparently crying. He was incredibly delirious and confused at the moment. "They stabbed me before and I was unconscious for weeks!"
(I'm gonna say he had an operation when he was younger and either it went poorly or he had some kind of reaction to the medicine that caused him to be in a coma for a while)
(sure thing, that works)
Damien took a deep breath, looking back at the nurses. “I’m sorry ‘bout this, but do you think you can step out for a second while I bring him down?” He ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a slightly exasperated sigh.
The nurses nodded and left, staying out in the hallway for when they were called back in. Rowan watched them leave, but remained under the cot, still feeling unsafe. "D-Don't let them…" He whispered weakly. "I don't… I don't wanna die… they're gonna try to kill me again…"
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