Rowan grabbed his glass of water from last night and took a couple pills, managing to not choke on them this time. "Thanks, Damien…"
Rowan grabbed his glass of water from last night and took a couple pills, managing to not choke on them this time. "Thanks, Damien…"
“Uh-huh.” Damien nodded, setting his phone down. “Hey- do you know if we have school Monday? I heard it was a teacher work day, but I don’t actually know.”
"I have no idea, but I probably won't go if I'm still feeling like this…" Rowan set his glass back down and moved back to huddle up against Damien.
“I figured. Might ask the group chat, see if any of them have a clue.” Damien shrugged again. He leaned back on the couch cushion, seemingly forgetting to remove his hand from Rowan’s hair.
"Mmkay…" Rowan pushed his head into Damien's hand a bit and closed his eyes, trying to distract himself from the pain.
Damien’s free hand traveled traveled back over to Milo, petting the dog gently as he looked around the house. He always felt a little weird being at Rowan’s place- not uncomfortable, not upset, just a little strange, mainly due to the fact that he usually didn’t know if Rowan’s parents were even there or not.
"How long can you stay?" Rowan asked after a long silence. He really didn't want Damien to leave, but he knew he'd have to at some point.
“Absolute latest? I’d say 1:30 tops, but that’s with my mom beating my fuckin’ ass when I get back. Realistically? Probably like.. noon.”
"Mm… I'll miss you though, baaaabe~" Rowan whined playfully, though he wasn't lying. Being alone again was going to be shitty.
“I’ll miss you too~” Damien teased back with a stupid grin. He didn’t want to go. He didn't want to go back home, retreat to his room, and be stuck browsing Reddit to distract himself. But he would.
"Will you text me at least?" He asked. "I don't know how long I'll survive here if I've gotta be alone for hours and hours and hours."
“Huh? Oh, yeah, Ro! ‘Course I will, buddy.” Damien nodded, a smile still on his face. “When have I not texted you, honestly.”
Rowan shrugged. "Thanks anyways…" He yawned a bit and pet Milo, who thumped his tail on the couch softly.
Damien chewed on his knuckle, yawning as well. “No problem, Ro. Uh- shit, did you ever get that homework done for Mr. Epp’s class? I still don’t get it, ha..”
"Do you take me as the kinda guy to do my homework?" Rowan snickered a bit. "I'm using the broken leg as an excuse."
“Fuuuck. Damn, man, the one time!” Damien laughed, ruffling up Rowan’s hair again. “Now I gotta think up an excuse too, hm.”
"I'm just gonna ask Ethan to give me the answers." Rowan shrugged. "My phone's not in my reach, so you can text him if you want."
“May as well. I already got my phone with me, so I’ll just show you his answers..” Damien whipped his phone back out, pulling up his texts with Ethan.
hey man u got the answers for epps hw?? i dont get it lmao
"Mmkay… just text me a picture if he sends one. It'll be easier to copy down." Rowan watched the screen intently, waiting for Ethan to reply.
“Yeah, yeah.” Damien nodded, scrolling through their texts absentmindedly as he waited for Ethan to respond.
After a few minutes, Ethan just sent a picture of the answers and nothing else. "Sweet! Send that to me, will you?"
thanks b
“‘Course, man. Gimme a second to like- save it ‘n shit.” Damien saved the photo, opening his and Rowan’s texts to send it to him. He caught a glimpse of his embarrassingly misspelled late-night texts, the ones he often sent as his eyes were shutting themselves. “Okay! Should be sent now, lemme know if it went through.”
Rowan heard his phone buzz from the coffee table. "Sounds like it did… I don't feel like moving."
“Fair enough.” He rubbed his eyes, stifling another yawn. “God, I’m hungry. I might have to go home soon just to eat, damn.” Damien laughed quietly.
"Bold of you to assume there's no food in my house. Go grab snacks if you want 'em, I don't fuckin' care."
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